When is New Years Day?
January 1st
What holiday is on the 14th of February?
What Holiday is on March 17th?
St Patricks Day
a friend you build from snow
Wash your hands
sneeze into your elbow
wash your hands
eat lots of vitamin C
wash your hands
Name a hot breakfast food that would be good in the winter
Oatmeal, cream of wheat, eggs, bacon, pancakes...
3rd Monday of January
Groundhogs Day
When is Mardi Gras?
March 2nd
Sliding on ice on purpose!
Ice Skating
What is the best thing to eat for a cold?
Chicken soup
Hot Chocolate
What is special about January 20, 2025 and WHO is the special person?
Inauguration day for President Trump
3rd Monday of February
March 21st
freezing rain
Riding a piece of plastic, metal or wood down a snowy hill
Hot Toddy
Name 4 people with Birthdays in January.
What History is February Devoted to?
Black History
What is the religious and practical significance of Mardigras AKA fat Tuesday AKA pancake Tuesday?
Mardigras/fat Tuesday/Pancake Tuesday is the day before Lent begins or the last day to have butter, milk, and eggs before lent. so that nothing goes to waste back in ye olden days, people would cook up the last of the eggs, milk, and butter into rich foods like pancakes or kings cake and have a party before remembering Jesus' 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness.
A short period of time when the temperature drops really low and doesn't come up very far.
What you create when you lay in the snow and flap your arms and legs
Snow angels
What is something we wear in the summer that we should also wear in the winter.
HINT: It goes on your skin
January 18th
February 7th is the Birthday of what Tractor Maker?
John Deer
March 3rd
Heavy Snow, large accumulation, high wind, low temperatures, and reduced visibility are all hallmarks of a...
The best winter sport of all time (according to Jamie)
What is something we wear in the summer that we should also wear in the winter even if its cloudy?
Hint: they go on our face
Snow ice cream
snow cones
snow candy