Disneyprinsessen, der drømmer om at åbne en restaurant
The Disney princess who dreams of opening a restaurant
Hvem er Tiana?
Who is Tiana?
The dance that shares it name with a dip
What is Salsa?
Københavns største park
The largest park in Copenhagen
What is Fælledparken?
The title of the book in which the Hogwarts Yule Ball is described
Hvad er "Harry Potter og flammernes pokal"?
What is "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"?
Navnene på de 2 Disney-prinsesse-film, der er baseret pa H.C. Andersens eventyr
The names of the 2 Disney princess movies based on Hans Christian Andersen fairytalesHvad er Frost og Den lille Havfrue?
What is Frozen and the Little Mermaid?
Den traditionelle første dans for nygifte par ved deres bryllup, der tælles og danses i 3/4
The typical first dance for newly-weds at their wedding counted in 3/4
Hvad er (brude-) vals?
What is (bridal) waltz?
Parken hvor en statue af Søren Kierkegaard står
The park which has a statue of Søren Kierkegaard
Hvad er det Kongelige Biblioteks Have?
What is the Garden of the Royal Library?
Det europæiske land, hvor nutidens karnevalssæson inkluderer ca. 400 baller
The european country in which contemporary carnival season includes around 400 balls
Hvad er Østrig?
What is Austria?
The countries the two most recent uwc-alumni are from
Spanien og Nederlandene
Spain and the Netherlands
Filmen hvor "I've had the time of my life" danner baggrundsmusik til sidste dans
The movie in which "I've had the time of my life" is the soundtrack for the final dance
Hvad er "Dirty Dancing"?
What is "Dirty Dancing"?
Parken der blev anlagt som barok-have og senere omlagt til romantisk-landskabelig have
The park which was originally baroque style, but later changed to romantic style garden
Hvad er Frederiksberg Have?
What is Frederiksberg Have?
The skills required for the "Ball"-challenge in RuPaul's Drag Race
Hvad er sy og design?
What is sewing and design?
Antallet af royale alumner fra Atlantic College (ifølge Wikipedia)
The amount of (Wikipedia-listed) notable royal alumni from UWC Atlantic College
Hvad er 6?
What is 6?
Navnene på de 4 Barbiefilm, hvor Barbie er balletdanser
The names of the 4 Barbie movies, where Barbie is a ballet dancer
(3 ud af 4 korrekte godtages - 3/4 correct is fine)
Hvad er "Barbie og nødeknækkeren", "Barbie af Svanesøen", "Barbie og de 12 dansende prinsesser" og "Barbie og de lyserøde balletsko"?
What is "Barbie and the Nutcracker", "Barbie of Swan Lake", "Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses" and "Barbie in the pink shoes" ?
Parken hvor den 58 cm lange rotte, Landmærket, boede (RIP)
The park in which the 58 cm rat, Landemærket, resided (RIP)
Hvad er Kongens Have?
What is Kongens Have?
Dokumentaren fra 1990, der omhandlede Ballroom culture i New York City
The 1990 documentary about Ball culture in New York City
What is "Paris is Burning"?
Navnet på den skandinaviske prinsesse, der er tidligere reality-stjerne
The name of the scandinavian princess who is a former reality star
Hvad er prinsesse Sofia? (af Sverige)
The winner of the Danish dance show "Vild med Dans" 2024
Hvem er Anna Munch?
Who is Anna Munch?
Den nærmeste park
The park closest to our current location
Hvad er Skydebanehaven?
What is Skydebanehaven?
Boldspillet, hvor verdensmesterskabet i 2022 afholdtes i Danmark med vinderen Jesus Escacho Alarcon
The ball game, which held its world championship 2022 in Denmark and the winner was Jesus Escacho Alarcon from Spain
What is Petanque?