Christmas History
Winter Trivia
Winter Movies
Winter Sports
Christmas Food

“The most famous reindeer of all,” was the product of Robert L. May’s imagination in 1939. What is this reindeer's name?



Which is colder, the North Pole or the South Pole?

South Pole!

What makes the South Pole so much colder than the North Pole is that it sits on top of a very thick ice sheet, which itself sits on a continent. The surface of the ice sheet at the South Pole is more than 9,000 feet in elevation--more than a mile and a half above sea level. Antarctica is by far the highest continent on the earth. In comparison, the North Pole rests in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, where the surface of floating ice rides only a foot or so above the surrounding sea.The Arctic Ocean also acts as an effective heat reservoir, warming the cold atmosphere in the winter and drawing heat from the atmosphere in the summer.


What movie involves a mammoth on a mission, a clumsy sloth, and a squirrel trying to find a place to store his acorn for the winter?

Ice Age


How often do the Winter Olympics take place?

Every 4 years


What food and drink are typically left out for Santa to eat?

Milk and Cookies


Which holiday was celebrated first by Christians, Easter or Christmas?


In the early years of Christianity, Easter was the main holiday; the birth of Jesus was not celebrated. In the fourth century, church officials decided to institute the birth of Jesus as a holiday.


Almost always, how many sides does a snowflake have?



Snow Buddies is a 2008 American adventure comedy film and the second installment in the Air Buddies series. What type of dog are these puppies?

Golden retrievers


What country did modern ice hockey originate?



What minty treat is said to have originated in Germany in the 1670s?


What famous Christmas novel contributed to the historic shift in the celebration of Christmas from a rambunctious, carnival-like holiday to a family-centered holiday?

A Christmas Carol

English author Charles Dickens created the classic holiday tale, A Christmas Carol. The story’s message-the importance of charity and good will towards all humankind-struck a powerful chord in the United States and England and showed members of Victorian society the benefits of celebrating the holiday.


True or False: Every single snowflake is different/unique?


Snow crystals usually form unique patterns, but there’s at least one instance of identical snowflakes in the record books. In 1988, two snowflakes collected from a Wisconsin storm were confirmed to be twins at an atmospheric research center in Colorado.


Name 3 songs from the first Frozen movie.


Name 3 countries, where ice hockey is most popular.

Canada, USA, Russia, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, England, Switzerland, Slovakia


According to certain researchers, the first gingerbread houses originated in Germany, as a result of what well-known Grimm's fairy tale?

Hansel & Gretel


What US state banned the celebration of Christmas from 1659 to 1681?


After the Puritans in England overthrew King Charles I in 1649, among their first items of business after chopping off the monarch’s head was to ban Christmas. Parliament decreed that December 25 should instead be a day of “fasting and humiliation” for Englishmen to account for their sins. The Puritans of New England eventually followed the lead of those in old England, and in 1659 the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony made it a criminal offense to publicly celebrate the holiday and declared that “whosoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labor, feasting, or any other way” was subject to a 5-shilling fine.


For centuries and centuries, early Europeans celebrated light and birth in the darkest days of winter. Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice, when the worst of the winter was behind them and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight. What day is Winter Solstice?

December 21st!

(December 20th acceptable)


What is the name of the once peaceful realm that was put under an eternal curse to be always winter but never Christmas?



What is the name of the most widely known snowboarder of all time?

Shaun White

Shaun White is an American former professional snowboarder and skateboarder. He is a five-time Olympian and a three-time Olympic gold medalist in half-pipe snowboarding. He holds the world record for the most X Games gold medals and most Olympic gold medals by a snowboarder.


The roots of this rolled chocolate sponge go way back to the Iron Age, when Celts would burn huge decorated logs to celebrate the winter solstice. What is the name of this pastry?

Yule log (Cake)!


The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back to 280 AD to a monk named St. Nicholas who gave away all of his inherited wealth and traveled the countryside helping the poor and sick, becoming known as the protector of children and sailors. What country is he from?



What month is the winter solstice in Brazil and Argentina?

June! (21st)

For the northern half of Earth (the Northern Hemisphere), the winter solstice occurs annually on December 21 or 22. (The Southern Hemisphere's winter solstice occurs in June.) The winter solstice is the day with the fewest hours of sunlight in the whole year, making it the “shortest day” of the year.


What is the name of the villain in the movie Anastasia?



What is the oldest sport in Winter Olympics history?

Figure skating


Name at least 2 current winter holiday coffee flavors at either Dunkin or Starbucks. Must be exact with the flavor.


Dunkin -- 

Cookie butter, Peppermint Mocha, Toasted White Chocolate

Starbucks -- 

Peppermint Mocha, Caramel Brulée, Chestnut Praline, Toasted White Chocolate Mocha, Irish Cream, Sugar Cookie