Music Trivia
2000s Trivia
Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy
Winter Project Overview
ML Teachers Origin Stories

This person has won 32 Grammy Awards, making her winningest artist of all time. 

Who is Beyonce (Knowles)?


Burger Beard, also known as Painty the Pirate, sings the theme song to this long-running and frequently meme-able animated TV series.

What is SpongeBob SquarePants?

Many experts believe that this technological innovation will lead to the elimination of jobs. 

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?


All students need at least this many citations for their winter projects. 

What are three sources?


This teacher is from St. Louis, Missouri?

Who is Ms. MacDonald?


After hits like "Thriller," "Billie Jean," and "Bad," this artist pulled together several artists to collaborate on "We Are The World."

Who is Michael Jackson?


The American version of the show "The Office" premiered on NBC in 2005. The show takes place in this Pennsylvania city.

What is Scranton?


This is what we call the body of data (both good and bad) that individuals create through their actions online.

What is a digital footprint?


This online tool will help you properly format your works cited?

What is Noodletools?


This teacher grew up in Pennsylvania. He provided city tours of Philadelphia byway of a horse-drawn carriage.

Who is Mr. Speers?


This shirtless, roller skating Super Bowl halftime show singer got his start on Star Search, a 1980s & 1990s style American Idol-like show.  

Who is Usher?


Moto Moto, an animated hippo known for his flirtatious attitude, is from this movie franchise.

What is Madagascar


This is when someone poses as an institution, like a bank or school, and sends you a personalized message asking you to provide private information.

What is "Phishing"?


There is the expectation that students are using this test, widely known by it's acronym, to ensure that their resources are credible.

What is CRAAP?


This soccer-loving teacher grew up in Utah. Now she lives here with her family in Lamoille County.

Who is Mrs. Faraci?


When someone gets "Rickrolled," they are tricked into playing this song.

What is "Never Going to Give You Up" (by Rick Astley)?


This actor won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 2009 just over a year after his death for his role in the Batman movie, The Dark Knight

Who is Heath Ledger?


These features allow users to control who can see their posts, limiting the audience and potential impact.


What are privacy settings?


Everything found is this library informational database is considered "vetted," meaning that they only post quality sources.

What is Gale?


You may not know it from this teacher's accent, but he was born in San Diego, California.

Who is Mr. Weiss?


These four musicians were The Beatles.

Who are George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr?


Bill Gates appears on the cover of a May 2005 Time Magazine issue holding this game console.

What is an/the XBox?


These are a "means to communicate that reaches or influences people." We should work hard to become more literate when it comes to it. 


What is Media?


This is due during the first week of April.

What is the Winter Project?


This math teacher was born in Ohio, but grew up in Rhode Island.

Who is Molly Giblin?