What is the name of our school?
Veterans Early Learning Center
Name all 4 seasons.
Spring, summer, fall, winter
Name the 5 senses.
Taste, touch, sight, smell, hearing
Spell the word to fill in the blank:
Put your ______ at the top of your paper.
Who sings Let it Go?
Name a doubles fact
4+4, 5+5 (examples)
Who are the specialist teachers
Ms. Hartman, Ms. Kessler, Ms. Petri
There are ______ months in a year.
What animal has a long neck?
Spell the incorrect word correctly:
I hav so much to do!
Name a Disney Movie
What is an addend?
The two parts we add together
What is our mascot?
The Eagle
What colors make green?
blue and yellow
What animal did we learn about that is as small as an eye lash when it is a baby?
tap out this word ball, what kind of sound does it have?
glued sound
What state and city do we live in?
Name a near doubles fact
example 5+6
What is the principal's name and Vice principal?
Mr. Mondello & Ms. Puteri
Sentences start with a ______ and ends with ____
capital letter and punctuation
Do small pumpkins sink or float?
Spell the incorrect word correctly:
Whe can we go out to lunch?
What are the 5 vowels? If it's a short vowel what does it say?
not its name
What sign do we use when the problem says in all?
What are our core values? (5 of them)
Honesty, kindness, respect, responsibility, perseverance.
What is Ms. Chaprazian's favorite color?
A caterpillar turns into a __.
It turns into a butterfly!
Spell the incorrect word correctly:
Today we ar going to have so much fun!
What was the theme of our first model in wit and wisdom?
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