This is a good time to go to the bathroom during class.
What is independent time?
You can get full credit for daily planner check by having all things written down with a signature and one other part.
What are check marks?
Each Eagles Nest is worth this many Soar Store Points.
What is 10 pts?
On the blacktop you must move at these speed.
What is walking?
After this many star stickers on each card you may ask for the next level color card.
What is 10 stickers?
This is the type of sentence we write about what we read for 30 min. of homework.
What is a 7-up sentence?
You can receive an eagles nest each week by doing this.
What is getting a planner signature every day of the week?
If you are not eating or acting appropriately you will be moved here in the cafeteria.
What is the bad manners table?
This must be done by the time the door is shut in the morning.
What is have planners out on desk?
This grade made up of your homework and color chart participation.
What is Citizenship?
You get one soar store point for doing this each day.
What is being on time and ending on blue/green?
If you have met the expectation of the day you receive this many citizenship points.
What is 3?
This is not a good time to ask to go to the bathroom.
What is during instruction/test?
In order to get Principal's honor roll you must have this grade in citizenship.
This is what each of the letters of S.O.A.R stand for.
What is Safety, Organization, Achievement, and Respect?
This is where you are allowed to have your cell phone out/on.
What is outside of the school gates?
To go to the restroom/get water you must do these two things.
What is sign out and put the cone on your desk?
In order to get honor roll at the end of the quarter you must have a GPA of at least this number.
What is a 3.0?
This is what you do with each copy of an Eagles Nest (white, pink, and yellow).
What is white gets taken home, pink goes in the basket for drawing at end of quarter, and yellow goes on the wall to be proudly displayed?
According to the school handbook eating this will get you an automatic detention.
What is chewing gum?