Sohbet 1
Sohbet 2

How many gold coins were the two travelers given by their king?



Why do we get abdest?

In order to pray namaz, read kuran, and purify our body.


What do we say at secde (forehead on floor)?

Subhane rabbi al athim


How long do we prolong a letter for if there is a long extension sign?

4 elif miktari


How many sides does a pentagon have?



In the allegory of the king sending the two travelers to a distant destination. What does the train station and the distant destination represent?

The train station represents the five daily prayers and the distant destination represents paradise.


What do we say before getting abdest?

Niyet ettim allah rizasi icin, abdest almaya.


What do our clothes have to cover in order pray namaz?

Everything from the neck down to right below the kneecaps.


How many letters are kalin, and how many are peltek.

7 kalin, 3 peltek


What is the term for animals that eat only plants?



What gives us a 99.9% chance of getting into paradise (heaven)?

Praying the 5 daily prayers.


Why do we need the Kuran? Give two SIGNIFICANT AND IMPORTANT answers.

The Kuran is our teacher
Our duty
Connection with Allah


Give me the order with which we do the first rakat of any namaz? Including before we say Allahu ekber, but excluding what we do after we move (as in going down).

Allahu ekber
Sure of any choice


What does a tenvin do?

Adds a cezimli nun to the front of a letter, also accept gives an un, in, or an, sound.


What is the name of the longest river in the world?

The Nile River


What DOES NOT represent Allah?

nothing, everything represents him


Name 5 things that cancel your abdest.

Urine, feces, passing gas.
Losing consciousness through sleep.
Touching private parts with bare hands
Fainting, intoxication.
Menstruation and postpartum bleeding.
Vomit reaching the mouth.
Flow of blood, pus, etc.
Loud laughter during prayer.


When were we ordered to pray namaz? In a historic context



What does a sedde do?

It duplicates the letter, making the first one cezimli and the next one with the hareke the letter originally have.

What is the term for a group of stars that forms a pattern in the sky?

A constellation


What happens when we say: "Eshedu en la ilahe ill allah we eshedu en ne muhammeden abdu hu we resuluh"?

We sign a contract with Allah saying we will be loyal and we will pray the five daily prayers, read the quran. It means: " I bear witness that there is no God but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”


What are the five pillars of Islam

Shahada (Faith)
Salah (Prayer)
Zakat (Charity)
Sawm (Fasting)
Hajj (Pilgrimage) 


Name 5 names of Allah that we repeat during tesbihat. Ex: Ya (Allah's Name)'u Allah.

  • 1. Ar-Rahman (The Most Compassionate)
  • 2. Ar-Rahim (The Most Merciful)
  • 3. Al-Malik (The King and Owner of Dominion)
  • 4. Al-Quddus (The Absolutely Pure)
  • 5. As-Salam (The Source of Peace and Safety)
  • 6. Al-Mu’min (The Giver of Faith and Security)
  • 7. Al-Muhaymin (The Guardian, The Witness, The Overseer)
  • 8. Al-Aziz (The All-Mighty)
  • 9. Al-Jabbar (The Compeller, The Restorer)
  • 10. Al-Mutakabbir (The Supreme, The Majestic)
  • 11. Al-Khaliq (The Creator, the Maker)
  • 12. Al-Bari (The Evolver)
  • 13. Al-Musawwir (The Flawless Shaper)
  • 14. Al-Ghaffar (The Great Forgiver)
  • 15. Al-Qahhar (The All-Subduer)
  • 16. Al-Wahhab (The Supreme Bestower)
  • 17. Ar-Razzaq (The Provider)
  • 18. Al-Fattah (The Supreme Solver)
  • 19. Al-Alim (The All-Knowing)
  • 20. Al-Qabid (The Withholder)
  • 21. Al-Basit (The Extender)
  • 22. Al-Khafid (The Reducer)
  • 23. Ar-Rafi (The Exalter, the Elevator)
  • 24. Al-Mu’izz (The Honourer, the Bestower)
  • 25. Al-Muzil (The Dishonourer)
  • 26. As-Sami (The All-Hearing)
  • 27. Al-Basir (The All-Seeing)
  • 28. Al-Hakam (The Impartial Judge)
  • 29. Al-Adl (The Utterly Just)
  • 30. Al-Latif (The Subtle One, the Most Gentle)
  • 31. Al-Khabir (The All-Aware)
  • 32. Al-Halim (The Most Forbearing)
  • 33. Al-Azim (The Magnificent, the Infinite)
  • 34. Al-Ghaffur (The Great Forgiver)
  • 35. Ash-Shakur (The Most Appreciative)
  • 36. Al-Aliyy (The Most High, the Exalted)
  • 37. Al-Kabir (The Most Great)
  • 38. Al-Hafiz (The Preserver)
  • 39. Al-Muqit (The Sustainer)
  • 40. Al-Hasib (The Reckoner)
  • 41. Al-Jalil (The Majestic)
  • 42. Al-Karim (The Most Generous, the Most Esteemed)
  • 43. Ar-Raqib (The Watchful)
  • 44. Al-Mujib (The Responsive One)
  • 45. Al-Wasi (The All-Encompassing, the Boundless)
  • 46. Al-Hakim (The All-Wise)
  • 47. Al-Wadud (The Most Loving)
  • 48. Al-Majid (The Glorious, the Most Honorable)
  • 49. Al-Ba’ith (The Infuser of New Life)
  • 50. Ash-Shahid (The All-and-Ever Witnessing)
  • 51. Al-Haqq (The Absolute Truth)
  • 52. Al-Wakil (The Trustee, the Disposer of Affairs)
  • 53. Al-Qawiyy (The All-Strong)
  • 54. Al-Matin (The Firm One)
  • 55. Al-Waliyy (The Sole-Authority)
  • 56. Al-Hamid (The Praiseworthy)
  • 57. Al-Muhsi (The All-Enumerating, the Counter)
  • 58. Al-Mubdi (The Originator, the Initiator)
  • 59. Al-Mu’id (The Restorer, the Reinstater)
  • 60. Al-Muhyi (The Giver of Life)
  • 61. Al-Mumit (The Creator of Death)
  • 62. Al-Hayy (The Ever-Living)
  • 63. Al-Qayyum (The Sustainer, the Self-Subsisting)
  • 64. Al-Wajid (The Perceiver)
  • 65. Al-Majid (The Glorious, the Most Honorable)
  • 66. Al-Wahid (The Only One)
  • 67. Al-Ahad (The Sole One)
  • 68. As-Samad (The Self-Sufficient, the Impregnable)
  • 69. Al-Qadir (The Omnipotent)
  • 70. Al-Muqtadir (The Creator of All Power)
  • 71. Al-Muqaddim (The Expediter, the Promoter)
  • 72. Al-Mu’akhkhir (The Delayer)
  • 73. Al-Awwal (The First)
  • 74. Al-Akhir (The Last)
  • 75. Az-Zahir (The Manifest)
  • 76. Al-Batin (The Hidden One, Knower of the Hidden)
  • 77. Al-Wali (The Sole Governor)
  • 78. Al-Muta’ali (The Self Exalted)
  • 79. Al-Barr (The Source of All Goodness)
  • 80. At-Tawwab (The Ever-Accepter of Repentance)
  • 81. Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger)
  • 82. Al-Afuww (The Pardoner)
  • 83. Ar-Ra’uf (The Most Kind)
  • 84. Malik-ul-Mulk (Master of the Kingdom, Owner of the Dominion)
  • 85. Dhu-al-Jalali wa-al-Ikram (Possessor of Glory and Honour, Lord of Glory and Generosity)
  • 86. Al-Muqsit (The Just One)
  • 87. Al-Jami (The Gatherer, the Uniter)
  • 88. Al-Ghaniyy (The Self-Sufficient, the Wealthy)
  • 89. Al-Mughni (The Enricher)
  • 90. Al-Mani (The Withholder)
  • 91. Ad-Darr (The Distresser)
  • 92. An-Nafi (The Propitious, the Benefactor)
  • 93. An-Nur (The Light)
  • 94. Al-Hadi (The Guide)
  • 95. Al-Badi (The Incomparable Originator)
  • 96. Al-Baqi (The Ever-Surviving)
  • 97. Al-Warith (The Inheritor, the Heir)
  • 98. Ar-Rashid (The Guide, Infallible Teacher, and Knower)
  • 99. As-Sabur (The Forbearing, the Patient)

What were the three types of tenvin?

Fathatein, Khasratein, and Dammetein.


What is the name of the scientist who proposed the three laws of motion?

Isaac Newton