What is the only insect that migrates to a warmer climate (that is 2,500 miles away) each year?
A. Lady Bugs
B. Beatles
C. Monarch butterflies
Answer: C. Monarch butterflies- They fly to Mexico for the winter.
True or False- Almonds are considered seeds, not nuts.
Answer: True. Almonds are a seed
True or False- North Dakota was the first state to complete its Interstate highway system.
Answer: True
Which sport has a tournament called March Madness?
A. Basketball
B. Rugby
C. Hockey
Answer- A. Basketball
What part of a rabbit never stops growing?
A. Ears
B. Eyes
C. Teeth
Answer- C. Teeth
In 1936, what popular food brand debuted its first Wienermobile, a 13-foot-long vehicle shaped like a giant hot dog on wheels, as a way to promote its products?
Answer: Oscar Mayer
Does North Dakota have the highest or lowest unemployment rate in the United States?
Answer: Lowest at 2.3%
What is the official birth flower of March?
A. Tulips
B. Daisies
C. Daffodils
Answer- C. Daffodils
Which bird is often considered a sign of spring?
A. Robin
B. Hummingbird
C. Black bird
Answer: A. Robin
How many hamburgers doe McDonald's sell a day?
A. 6.7 million
B. 100,000
C. 8,000
Answer: 6.7 million
What city in North Dakota is known for being the geographical center of North America?
A. Velva
B. Breckenridge
C. Rugby
C. Rugby
True or False: The most leaves on a clover recorded is 56 leaves.
Answer: True
What animal famously predicts the length of winter every February?
Answer: Groundhog
Answer: Strawberries
What is North Dakota's official drink?
A. Coffee
B. Beer
C. Milk
Answer: Milk
How do leprechauns earn their gold?
A. By stealing it
B. By making and mending shoes
C. By making a wish
Answer- B. By making and mending shoes
True or False- Penguins cannot give other penguins pebbles/rocks.
Answer: False- penguins may give a potential mate a pebble/rock or a mate for building a nest.
What are the names of the Rice Krispies mascots?
Answer: Snap, Crackle, and Pop.
What is North Dakota's state flower?
A. Geranium
B. Sunflower
C. Wild prairie rose
Answer: Wild prairie rose
True or False: St. Patrick's Day is a religious holiday.
Answer: True
Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, celebrates the death of Saint Patrick the foremost patron saint of Ireland.