
This explorer sailed west from Europe on behalf of Spain looking for the Indies, instead landing in Hispaniola.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This peninsulare Cuban landowner is best known for conquering the Aztec empire and building Mexico City on the ruins of Tenochtitlan.

Who is Hernán Cortés?


These native people occupied the Antilles islands and were the first people encountered by Columbus in the "new world".

Who are the Taíno?


The strategically important port city that acted as a gateway from Southeast Asia and the Spice Islands to global oceanic trade routes.

What is Malacca?


Among other rights extended to the citizenry, the English Bill of Rights affirmed the concept that no one could be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime, also known by this Latin term.

What is habeas corpus?


This Spaniard's crew circumnavigated the globe, while he died in battle in what is now the Philippines.

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?


This Spaniard killed Atahualpa, toppled the Incan empire, and built Lima while seeking gold and silver in the Andes.

Who is Francisco Pizarro?


These people had a vast empire that spanned the Andes mountain range in South America and built impressive stone works high in the mountains.

Who are the Inca?


This city is the site where the Japanese allowed two Dutch ships to engage in trade once per year.

What is Nagasaki?


The resumption of rule by monarchy (Charles II) following the end of the English Commonwealth is referred to by this term.

What is the Restoration?


This Frenchman explored the eastern coast of present-day Canada and up the St. Lawrence river in 1534.

Who is Jacques Cartier ?


This Aztec woman was gifted to Cortés as a servant and, utilizing her impressive linguistic skills, was key to his conquest of the Aztec empire.

Who is Malinche?


These people found in Mesoamerica were known to sacrifice their prisoners of war as offerings to the gods.

Who are the Aztecs?


The island where Columbus first landed in the New World, the site of present day Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

What is Hispaniola?


This Venetian navigator sailing under an English flag explored rich fishing grounds off of Newfoundland while seeking a northwest passage to Asia.

Who is John Cabot?


Sailing from Portugal, this captain followed his fellow countryman's route around the Cape of Good Hope and successfully reached India.

Who is Vasco da Gama?


This priest wrote reports back to Spain of the brutality and cruelty that the Spanish subjected the indigenous to, resulting in the New Laws if the Indies in 1542 which outlawed the enslavement and abuse of native people.

Who is Bartolomé de Las Casas?


This group of people conquered the Ming Dynasty and established the Qing Dynasty.

Who are the Manchus?


Prussia is geographically located along the coast of this body of water.

What is the Baltic Sea?


The published works of abolitionists such as Olaudah Equiano and Ottabah Cugoano resulted in the passage of this law in 1807.

What is the British Slave Trade Act?


This captain attacked and claimed Goa and Malacca for the Portuguese.

Who is Afonso de Albuquerque?


This Spaniard was the first European to cross the Panamanian isthmus by land and view the Pacific Ocean.

Who is Vasco Núñez de Balboa?


The Islamic empire of South Asia, controlling much of present-day India prior to the colonialization by European nations.

What is the Mughal Empire?


The location where China allowed a limited trade window for Europeans.

What is Macao?


This term is used to define Enlightenment thinkers who focused their contemplation on the economy.

What are physiocrats?