If you are "Feeling really sick" then you are
___________ _______ ____________
under the weather
What spice is commonly used in gingerbread cookies?
What animal looks like it is wearing a tuxedo?
What form of precipitation consists of ice pellets and is often mixed with rain or snow?
What is the name of a winter activity involves gliding on ice while wearing special shoes?
ice skating
I slept so well last night,
I was out ________ _______
. . . out cold
What is the name of the 300 year old candy that we often use to decorate our Christmas tree?
candy cane
What animal is huge, white, and furry and can withstand extremely cold temperatures?
polar bear
What is a dangerous winter storm with snow accumulation, high winds, and has very limited visibility.
What do you create when you lie on snow and flap your arms?
snow angel
I get so nervous when meeting new people, I can never seem to ____________ ______ ________ .
break the ice
What does Buddy the Elf like to put everything but most especially on his spaghetti?
What is the name of the endangered feline that is white with spots and has large paws that are natural snowshoes?
snow leopard
What is an injury caused by extreme temperatures and freezing of the skin?
What do you wear on your feet to help you walk on deep snow and over long distances?
It is so cold in the __________ of winter I do not like to play outside.
(Middle of winter when it's very, very cold)
What is traditionally hidden inside a Christmas pudding in the United Kingdom (England)?
a gold coin
What animal is sometimes called the "Unicorn of the Sea"?
What is the shortest day of the year?
Winter Solstice or first day of winter
What kind of vehicle can you drive very fast over the snow?
When you refuse to talk to someone then you are giving them the __________ _____________
cold shoulder
In which country is it now traditional to eat at KFC for Christmas dinner?
Which hemisphere can we find a penguin?
Southern Hemisphere
How many sides does a snowflakes have?
What is a type of skiing that travels travels through trails or over flat fields?
cross-country skiing