What do we call frozen water that falls from the sky?
What is a popular winter activity where you slide down a hill in a tube?
Snow Tubing
What process do some animals (like bears) use to stay warm in the winter by going in a deep sleep?
What sport do people play on ice with a puck?
What is a winter celebration that marks the shortest day of the year?
Winter Solstice
What is the term for a very cold day with icy conditions and low visibility?
Blizzard/Snow Storm
What object do you build out of snow (usually made of 2 or 3 large balls with buttons, vegetables for limbs)
What is it called when birds fly out from the cold Canadian weather to warm regions in the south and then return when the weather warms up?
In which sport do you go down a snowy hill on a board attached to your feet?
What holiday is celebrated around Christmas time and involves lots of candles and lights
At what temperature does water turn into ice?
What is the name of holiday in Canada that happens the day after Christmas where lots of shopping happens?
Boxing Day
What animal with white fur lives in cold environments in the Arctic Region
Polar Bears
In what sport do you slide a rock down an ice to stay on top of a target with people sweeping the ice to direct the path. (Team Sport, also in the Olympics)
What fruit is often associated with New Year's resolutions?
What animal determines how much longer winter will go on for in February?
What is a location where you can go ice skating called?
Ice Rink
What process is it when animals (like bunnies) change their fur in the winter to turn white and brown in the summer to match their surroundings?
What is a winter celebration that marks the shortest day of the year?
Winter Solstice
What do people often hang on their door to celebrate the Christmas season?
What do we call the thin layer of transparent ice on roads that can be very dangerous because it is hard to see?
Black Ice
What hot drink made of chocolate is popular in cold weather?
Hot Chocolate
Where do Penguins mainly live?
What is the name of the trophy given to the champions of the National Hockey League?
The Stanley Cup
What festive event involves gathering around a tree to sing songs during the holiday season?