Easton Mountain
Famous Asswipes
Hard Questions
Substances In the Body

Easton Mountain is a community, retreat center & sanctuary created by gay men as a gift to what? 

What is the World?


This actor famously played Asswipe Johnson in a 1992 SNL skit where the character insisted his name was pronounced Azzz-wee-peh. 

Who is Nicolas Cage?


With a temperature drop, H20 transforms into this hard substance

What is ice?


Self-centredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects, either in very young babies or as a feature of a mental health disorder. 

What is Narcissism?


Along with changes in brain structure, trauma affects the Hypthalammo-Pituitary-Adrenal system. Hormones like adrenaline and cortisol increase while this one decreases. 

What is Oxytocin?


The Easton property was once home to other communities; a ski lodge and this type of cheeky colony. 

What is Nudist?


This company has been helping clean mens bottoms everywhere thanks to help of the television show Shark Tank.  

What is/are Dude Wipes?


This s a mixture of different compounds. including Calcium oxide(CaO),Silicon dioxide(SiO2),Aluminum oxide(Al2O3) and water. When it hardens, it is used in building construction.

What is cement?


Ears around the world bleed when the average Joe/Jane pronounces the word "Foyer" (Foy-ER) in the United States. Linguistically this pronunciation is commonly referred this around the globe. 

What in an Americanism?


Taking too many of these and for too long lead to atrophied balls. 

What are Anabolic Steroids?


It is estimated that about four Bears can fit in the hot tub with the possible inclusion of an otter. Any more would get too much of this everywhere. Hint - it's not hair. 

What is water?


This tush tidier originated in France. Its initial purpose was to wash the genitals in-between bathing sessions. 

What is the bidet?


Boli this for 7 minutes and you have this staple breakfast food

What is a hard boiled egg?


You could be charged with this offence if you take a look with Tom. 

What is voyuerism? 


The absence of this substance could induce this shakey situation, The Delirium Tremens. 

What is Alcohol?


Easton Mountain rests on the ancestral lands of this Algonquin group of peoples. Careful not confuse them with their Iroquois neighbours to the north of similar sounding name. 

Who are the Mohican? 


In many countries it is still common to have to pay for this at a public restroom.  

What is toilet paper?


If you are into KINK, you may want to clamp this part of the upper body....resulting in very hardened and sensitized THESE!!

What are nipples?


You would be said to be demonstrating this if you show a particular bias.

What is Favouritism


This naturally occurring substance is said to be as addictive as Cocaine to some people. It may even look similar in it's refined form.

What is sugar?


Easton has this other type of colony to thank for the beautiful pond in front of the Main Lodge.

What is a Beaver Colony?


You'll want to wipe up well before this type of male grooming which will wipe (rip) away all hair....down there.  

What is a Bro-zilian (Brazilian)?


Little Orphan Annie lived one.

What is a Hard-knock Life?


An eating disorder where it's victim are literally "done like dinner". 

What is Cannibalism?


You may be asked to give a blow to a man in blue to measure your level of this in the specimen. 

What is Blood Alcohol Content?