Sick em
This category is very explosive!
Explosive Category!
Is it winter where you are or not
Yes. No. maybe so.
Western Man
No, not yet, I am not done
Save and Finish
Who is this dude? I mean really?
He is the dude. I mean really.
This category is very smart!
Smart Category
Questionable Promt
Correct Resulting Response
He feels better about answering the call to glory
Determined Cowboy
I have made a mistake and must correct it with he presss of a button
Why would you complete
This category is very bad!
Bad Category
It is not very acquired, merely disguised as a rhino.
This guy is very bad looking
Ugly Cowboy who is still determined
Hello. You have been selected as a lucky member! We have chosen 100 different random people to win an entire yacht! And a free copy of every single game in existence. We know you'll probably never play 90% of them, but we don't care! Please enter everything about yourself.
Finish the sentence:
Get _ _ _ _ _ _ on
Get _ _ _ _ _ _ on.
I told you to remember your periods.
This category is the next one!
The Next Category
400 Points for this one. Yep. The big games! Woo! Alright!
No, they are not free. You get 1 point, and more importantly, this:
Good Job for finding this question. You will receive one point.
This one is a robot
Cyborg Determined Ugly Cowgirl
Believe it or not
Hey. Hey what are you? What are you doing? Stop! Stop, don't kill me, Skeleton!
Who is "Skeleton"
Skeleton (Minecraft)
Stray (Ultrakill)
Sans (Undertale)
This category is very informative!
The information provided to you up to this point has been untruthful and false. You have mindlessly fallen for the simplest of traps. Do not be fooled by this one. The category is actually called Name that Category!
Essentially, Sunrise!
Sunrise Essential
Oh no, it can't be. Eraser, pen, glue, scissors, markers, highlighters, chairs, desks, lights, classrooms, ???
Enter Category Name for 500
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