Christmas Traditions
Santo Stefano
New Years Traditions

What religion do Italians practice? Or what branch of Christianity?



By the name of this holiday (Santo Stefano), do you believe the holiday is religious or not?

VERY Religious. Also, it's celebrated December 26th


What is one of the classic New Years dinner desserts? (ps it's kind of popular in the US, just try to think fancy food)

Panettone!! (ngl I don't really like it) But they also eat something called Pandoro which is MUCH better


Even though the Befana is a Catholic holiday, it is only celebrated in two countries. Which is it? (one is obvious, but if you know where my fam is from or you've taken aphug then you'll know the second one)

Italy and San Marino!!!


Some people in Naples are so crazy that instead of wearing their seatbelts when driving they buy white shirts that have a strap colored in (which looks like a seatbelt). True or False?



Do Italians open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

Christmas Day


Is this holiday celebrated in only Italy?

Nope! It is also celebrated in other European nations!


There is one classic game played on New Years, which is it? (ps if you follow me on instagram you saw me post it) 

TOMBOLA aka Italian bingo


Who is the Befana?

Again, like many Catholic holidays, the Befana's story is that she was a lady who helped the three kings find their way to Bethlehem to visit Jesus. That's kind of why she's important


Do Italians from the north consider themselves superior to the Italians from the south?

YUPPP Apparently northern Italians think they are more hardworking.


What time do Italians watch/go to mass? Christmas Eve at midnight or Christmas morning?

Christmas Eve at Midnight!


What do you think happens on Santo Stefano? (ps it is very similar to Christmas day)

You basically eat a 5-course lunch with family! But not just your small family but EVERY relative


What is the main course on New Years dinner?

Cotechino with lentils. Cotechino is basically a cooked salame.


What day is the Befana celebrated?

January 6th


What nation do Italians get along with the least? (This one is kind of hard but ps it's the second less developed nation in Western Europe, Italy being #1 LMAO)

Surprisingly Spain! Personally, my family and I think that both Spanish and Italian cultures are too lively so they compete with each other.


What food is eaten on Christmas Eve?

Surprisingly fish! I think it's because it's good Friday and you can't eat meat, but it also depends in what region you live in.


Why is the saint Stefano celebrated?

He was a Catholic martyr


Why are lentils eaten on New Years?

They are supposed to bring you money in the New Year!


What does the Befana bring? (ps she puts stuff in Christmas socks)

Candy, small presents, and similar to Santa Claus, she brings coal. (Not my parents always putting a little bit of coal in our socks to humble my sister and I down)


Italian Americans from Sicily or Sardinia (two regions in Italy) are usually suspected of being criminals. What type of criminals?

The mafia LOLL


What is more important on Christmas Day: Christmas lunch or Christmas dinner?

Christmas Lunch


What foods are eaten on Santo Stefano? 

Literally anything. Usually pasta as a main course and then a course of meat. Plus a bunch of different desserts and appetizers.


There is one tradition that is very popular in Italy where people in a form break things, what is it?

Since most Italians live in apartment buildings, it is a tradition to throw old objects (microwaves, chairs, etc.) out of their windows. Is it dangerous? Yes but people still do it ahahha Anyways, it is mostly celebrated in Naples so it makes a bit more sense. (People from Naples are very "party animal")


What does the Befana look like?

She's basically a witch with a long nose. Also, most Italians call people "befana" as an insult. Rip poor witch, she never had a chance


(San Marino question) What is the legal drinking age? (ps most of us could already drink)

16! (IK crazy) But honestly you could drink at 14 too they could really care less LOL. In Italy it's 18 and it's the same story as San Marino, you can drink even at 14 years old.