Winter Holidays
Let It Snow
It's Cold in Here!
Ice to Meet You
Important Internet Stuff

This holiday is celebrated in the United States on December 25th.

What is Christmas?


This snow-related advice is commonly given as a joke; however, it given truthfully to young kids.

What is "Don't eat yellow snow?"


This temperature represents the theoretical lowest temperature that any object could be. Although, it cannot be reached according to the Third Law of Thermodynamics.

What is absolute zero or zero kelvin?


This is the density of water ice.

What is approximately 0.917 g/mL?


This meme is often used to make science jokes

What is "Science Cat" or "Chemistry Cat"?


This day has the shortest amount of daylight in the entire year.

What is the winter solstice?


This is what we call the condition when snowstorm or blizzard produces conditions where snow is obstructing people's view.

What is "whiteout"?


The refrigeration cycle relies on this amount of energy of a refrigerant to be able to either cool or heat a space.

What is latent heat of vaporization?


Snowflakes that are undisturbed tend to form with this shape.

What is a repeating pattern with 6 branches or a hexagonal shape?


Who is this threat directed at?

Who is the racer in first place (in Mario Kart)?


Catholics attend Christmas mass on or about this day.

What is December 24th or Christmas Eve?


On average, Adrian expects this amount of snow for the month of January, the snowiest month of the year.

What is 3 inches?


This element is unable to freeze under normal atmospheric conditions.

What is helium?


This forms as layers ice are deposited around a core. It gets suspended in the air by an updraft until its weight forces it to drop. This process may repeat over and over again, creating bigger ones of these.

What is a hailstone or hail?


This line is said during this scene.

You like Krabby Patties don't you, Squidward?


Boxing day is this day.

What is December 26th or the day after Christmas?


This is the most snow recorded in a single day at Silver Lake, Colorado in 1921.

What is 6.3 feet of snow?


Rhinoviruses are the most common cause of this disease, but there are over 200 viruses that can it.

What is the common cold?


This is the energy required for water (or any liquid) to lose to freeze into a solid. 

What is the latent heat of fusion?

Pronounce this name: "Deidre Mengedoht." She was an officer that served Louisville, KY for seven years before passing because an impaired driver collided with her vehicle.

What is "Dee-druh men-guh-dote"?


This Swedish holiday is celebrated on December 13th with many girls in Sweden dress up as “Lucia brides” in long white gowns with red sashes, and a wreath of burning candles on their heads. They wake up their families by singing songs and bringing them coffee and twisted saffron buns called “Lucia cats.” 

What is St. Lucia Day?


Blizzards are defined as this by the National Weather Service.

What is "a storm which contains large amounts of snow OR blowing snow, with winds in excess of 35 mph and visibilities of less than 1/4 mile for an extended period of time (at least 3 hours)"?


This is the coldest point on Earth on average.

What is the East Antarctic Plateau?


The Ice-type in Pokemon has these weaknesses to these types of moves.

(You need to be able to name at least two weaknesses to get the points.)

What is the fire-type, fighting-type, rock-type, and steel-type?


What do Quizno's got?

What is a pepper bar?