Winter Movies
Winter Food
Winter Characters
Winter sports
Winter music
Winter Riddles

The famous Disney movie with a magical snowman, ice queen, and more

What is Frozen


This Christmas snack was featured in Shrek with his legs in the King's hand

What is a gingerbread man


This character has a hard time sticking with his family during the holidays as he's Lost in New York

Who is Kevin McCallister


The 2022 Winter Olympic Games are being hosted in this city

What is Beijing 


This song hits the Billboard charts as soon as Thanksgiving is over every year, as one of the most popular Christmas songs ever recorded

What is "All I Want For Christmas Is You"


This is something you see, so fluffy and white, in a cold December morning, it makes everything bright. What am I?



This movie has a magical train that picks up kids on Christmas Eve to see Santa

What is the Polar Express


This popular winter drink is made with egg, milk, and a lot of sugar

What is egg nog


This Christmas character was told by Santa, "Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"

Who is Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer


This sport similar to shuffleboard where players slide stones on a sheet of ice toward a target area which is segmented into four concentric circles.

What is curling


Finish the lyric:

“Come on, it’s lovely weather for a...

 What is “Sleigh ride together with you”


You can only do this every for four years over snow or ice, people do their very best to claim their price. What am I?

Winter Olympics


The Christmas movie also known well for being a Halloween movie

What is The Nightmare Before Christmas


This winter tradition is an Italian type of sweet bread originally from Milan, usually prepared and enjoyed for Christmas and New Year 

What is Panettone


Billy Bob Thornton plays a dirty Santa that tries to rob a mall

Who is Willie Stokes


This sport includes jumps including the Lutz, the Flip, the Triple Salchow, and Axels

What is Figure Skating


It is called The Christmas Song but this Nat King Cole classic is also referenced with the first six words of the song

What is "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire"


If you come up to the arctic you’ll see me everywhere, I am pulled by huskies to slide downhill. What am I?

 A sled


The movie with a green person trying to ruin Christmas

What is The Grinch


This candy originated in Germany, with the longest one made being 51 feet long

What is a candy cane


This character came all the way down from the North Pole to find his real father

Who is Buddy the Elf


Snow boarders use this u-shaped ramp to perform radical tricks

What is a half pipe


The winter character was created in 1969 as an animated Christmas special with children building him and some magic they found

What is Frosty the Snowman


I can be round, white and shaped like a ball yet I cannot be dribbled or bounced at all. What am I?

 A snowball


This holiday movie stars Whitney Houston as an angel Denzel Washington

What is The Preacher's Wife


This holiday treat is made of raisins and other small fruits

What is fruit cake


This movie character overstays his welcome during the holidays in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Who is Cousin Eddie


In this winter sport the players race on a 400m long track but need special equipment to compete

What is speed skating


This song was first sang Christmas Eve of 1818, with many renditions including Pentatonix, Mariah Carey, and The Temptations

What is Silent Night


I am a massive, destructive and gigantic pile of fluff, and when I flow, get out of the way fast don’t move so slow. What am I?

An Avalanche