WINTER Expressions
Winter Flavors
Winter Holidays
Winter Wildlife
Winter Weather
Winter Activities

You’re on thin __________.

What is Ice?


Traditional Christmas flavored hard candy shaped like a cane:

What is a peppermint candy cane?


On this holiday, nice children get presents, while naughty ones get coal.

What is Christmas?


Some animals do this in the winter to conserve resources when food is scarce.

What is hibernate?


Spike of ice formed when water falling from an object freezes

What are icicles?


The winter activity that involves hitting people with cold, white spheres.

What is a Snowball fight?


In the __________ of winter.

What is Dead?


A winter drink made with egg, milk, and a lot of sugar, usually drunk around Christmas.

What is egg nog?


This holiday celebrates the miracle of one night's oil burning for 8 nights.

What is Hanukkah?


This animal looks like it is wearing a tuxedo or suit.

What is a penguin?


A severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.

What is a blizzard?


This winter activity involves sliding on the ice wearing special shoes that have blades.

What is ice skating?


That’s just the tip of the __________.

What is Iceberg?


What type of cookie is this house is made out of. 

What is gingerbread?


The holiday that is observed from December 26th to January 1st and ends in gift giving and a big feast. During this week long celebration, 7 candles are lit.

What is Kwanzaa?


What happens to the arctic fox in winter if it spends a lot of time in the snow.

What is, its fur turns white?


At this temperature it is cold enough for snow to form in the atmosphere.

What is 32 deg. (F, or 0 C)


What you create when you lie on a snowy surface and flap your arms and legs.

What is a snow angel?


I slept so well last night, I was out __________.

What is Cold?


This sweet drink made from roasted & ground beans, usually topped with Marshmallows.

What is hot chocolate (or cocoa)?


The animal we watch on February 2nd to see if it sees its shadow.

What is a Groundhog?


The color of a polar bear's skin.

What is black?  (Their FUR is colourless and transparent, their SKIN is black.)


Condition when it is snowing so much one cannot distinguish the ground from the sky.

What is a white-out?


This activity involves a sled pulled by one or more dogs used to travel over ice and through snow.

What is Dog sledding?


Snug as a ________ in a rug.

What is bug


It is usually cooked over a firepit. People like to eat this treat on a cold, winter night or when they are camping. It has marshmallows in it.

What is a s'more?


Lunar or Chinese New Year is marked each year by one of 12 different ones of these.

What are Animals?


These animals live in frigid environments. You will find them around the beaches of Antarctica and the Arctic. Some dig burrows under the snow to survive the freezing winters. These animals are friendly and content as long as they can spend their lives in cold water. When they are on normal, dry land, they become extremely hostile.

What is a harp seal?


A dangerous condition when skin, especially hands and feet, gets so cold it could be damaged.

What is frostbite?


Sport of sliding down snow-covered slopes and artificial-ice-covered chutes

What is sledding or tobogganing?


To not talk to someone is to give them the __________.

What is Cold shoulder?


A traditional food people eat for Lunar (Chinese) New Year.

Sweet rice cake, Dumplings, Sweet Rice Balls, Tangerines/Oranges, Whole Fish or Chicken, Noodles


The month in which winter ends in the Northern Hemisphere

What is March?


Where Polar Bears get the water they need
a) Snow
b) Sea Water
c) Seal Blubber
d) Sea Gulls 

What is seal blubber?  Polar bears get their water from the chemical reaction in their bodies that breaks down fat 


A dangerous condition in which the body's temperature is abnormally low.

What is hypothermia?


Activity involving walking over snow with the assistance of a type of outer footwear that features a wide frame to distribute the weight of the person over a larger area.

What is snow shoeing?


I’m no good at meeting new people, I can never seem to __________.

What is Break the ice?


This treat is sometimes given as a holiday gift. It is made from sugar, butter, and milk. It can come in different flavors like maple, peanut butter, and candy cane. 

What is fudge?


Marks the moment in time when the Old Sun dies and when the Sun of the New Year is born (shortest day)

What is the Winter Solstice?


This is the colour of icefish blood

Icefish blood is colorless because it lacks hemoglobin, the oxygen-binding protein in blood.

In this month the earth is closest to the sun

What is January? Winter doesn't have to do with the whole earth's closeness to the sun, but the tilt of the earth.


Sport popular in Canada where players slide stones on a sheet of ice toward a target 

What is curling?