Name an example of an instrument from the string family.
Answers may vary (violin, cello, guitar, banjo, viola, etc.)
What is the value of a quarter note?
1 beat
What item/object did the class use to access chrome music lab?
What object was used to demonstrate each note value in the song "This is Halloween"?
Tennis Ball
What color boomwhacker is the "E" note?
Name an example of a woodwind instrument.
Answers may vary (clarinet, flute, saxophone, bassoon, oboe, etc.)
What is the value of a half note?
2 beats
In our "Song Maker Lesson" the class composed different songs. In this sentence, what does the word "compose" mean?
To write, come up with, create
What movement did the class do in the song "This is Halloween" in order to demonstrate a half note?
Throw the tennis ball down and catch it.
What is the value of a dotted half note?
3 beats
What are the two criteria for an instrument belonging to the percussion family? These intruments can be played by being ____________ or _____________.
hit/struck or shaken
What is the value of a whole note?
Four beats
What was the one feature in the Song Maker lesson that the class was not allowed to use in their song creation?
The microphone
Name two of the sounds in our "Guess the Holiday Sounds Game".
Answers may vary (ice skating, fireworks, fireplace, snow sledding, unwrapping presents, Santa, candle flicker, tinsel, snowstorm, etc.)
In the Instrument Families Lesson, what song was played to represent the woodwind family?
Name all 4 instrument families.
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Strings
What is the value of a pair of eighth notes?
1 beat (half a beat each)
How many different instruments were available to use in Song Maker?
5; (Marimba, Synth, Piano, Strings, Woodwind)
Name one song we did in our "Spooky Rhythms" boomwhacker lesson in October.
Answers may vary (Monster Mash, Spooky Scary Skeletons, The Skeleton Dance, Smashing Pumpkins), etc.
What does the term a capella mean? Hint: We listened to a Pentatonix song in this style.
to perform with only voice, no use of instruments
Name the four instruments mentioned that belong to the brass family.
French Horn, Tuba, Trombone, Trumpet
Add the following note values together and solve: 3 quarter notes, 2 whole notes, and 1 dotted half note.
1+1+1+4+4+3=14 beats
What was the maximum number of measures/bars the class was able to extend their song length to?
16 measures/bars
In the "Holiday Song Four Corners Game", each song came from a different corner. For example, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was written in the United States. Which country was "Oh Tannenbaum" or "Oh Christmas Tree" written in?
Name 3 percussion instruments.
Answers may vary (marimba, drums, xylophone, glockenspiel, maracas, triangle, egg shakers, etc.)