The person who met Jesus at a well
The Samaritan Women (St.Photine)
What are the 3 liturgies used in the Coptic Church
St.Basil, St.Gregory, and St.Cyril
How Many Councils does the Coptic Church Recognize
The # of Sacraments in the church
Sin is
"missing the mark"
Separation from God
The person who was crucified to the right of Jesus
The author of the St.Cyril Liturgy
St.Mark the Apostle
The Creed "We believe in One God..." comes from which council
Name the sacraments essential for salvation
Baptism, Myron, Communion, Confession & Repentance
St.Mark primarily preached to
The Gentiles
The father of Monasticism
St.Anthony the Great
Name the 4 major parts of the liturgy
Offering of the Lamb, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Faithful, Distribution
Known as "The defender of the faith"
Name all the sacraments
Baptism, Myron, Communion, Confession & Repentance, Marriage, Priesthood, Unction of the sick
Name all 7 major feasts
What is Nativity, Epiphany or Theophany, Pentecost, Ascension, Palm Sunday, The Annunciation, Resurrection
The 116th Pope of Alexandria
Pope Kyrillos VI
The place where the first Liturgy was held
St.Mark's House
The heresy that was discussed at the first council
Arius/Arian heresy - The idea that the father is greater than the son
Three of the Sacraments give permanent seals and thus are not to be repeated
Baptism, Chrismation (Myron) and Priesthood.
The Greek word for Egyptian
"copt" or coptic
Baptized their children with their own blood
Part of the Liturgy where the bread and wine turn into the Body and Blood
After the Institution Narrative
The year each council took place
Nicaea (325 AD)
Constantinople (381 AD)
Ephesus (431 AD)
Another word for "sacraments"
The "Mysteries"
The words that are stamped around the orbana is called
Trisagion or Agios Agios Agios