This is a chunk or stone of ice dropped from a thunderstorm.
What is hail?
Every snowflake has this many sides. What is 6? What is 5? What is 4?
What is six?
The custom of sending Christmas Cards was started in this country in 1843. They were sold for 1 shilling each. What is the UK? What is China? What is Holland?
What is the UK?
This is how you say Merry Christmas in Spanish.
What is Feliz Navidad?
This is a holiday that last 8 nights. This year is begins on December 16. What is the Winter Solstice? What is Hanukkah? What is Reindeer Day?
What is Hanukkah?
The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -128 degrees in 1983 on this continent.
What is Antarctica?
The biggest one of these on record occurred in Montana in 1887. It was eight inches by 15 inches.
What is a snowflake?
Lots of games are played during the time of this holiday. The most popular is 'dreidel' (Yiddish) or 'sivivon' (Hebrew).
What is Hanukkah?
In this language you say Merry Christmas, Kala Christouyenna. What is Italian? What is Greek? What is Pig Latin?
What is Greek?
This holiday takes place on December 26 and was started in the UK. It is only celebrated by a few countries like UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. What is Washing Day? What is Boxing Day? What is Rugby Day?
What is Boxing Day?
The biggest hailstone recorded fell in South Dakota on July 23, 2010 and it weighed almost 2 pounds and was the size of this object. What is a golf ball? What is a softball? What is a basketball?
What is a softball?
It can be as warm as this on the ground and still snow. The temperatures up in the clouds where the snow is forming is below 32 degrees. What is 40 degrees? What is 60 degrees? What is 70 degrees?
What is 40 degrees?
During this holiday a special candle holder called a kinara is used. A kinara holds seven candles, three red ones on the left, three green ones on the right with a black candle in the center. Each night a candle is lit. The black, center, candle is lit first and the it alternates between the red and green candles stating with the ones on the outside and moving inwards. This is quite similar to the lighting of the menorah in the Jewish Festival of Lights, Hanukkah. What is Boxing Day? What is Kwanzaa? What is Snow King Day?
What is Kwanzaa?
In Hebrew, the word Chanukah means this. What is presents? What is dedication? What is celebration?
What is "dedication"?
This holiday takes place on December 24 and in some countries it is the day presents are exchanged. In many European countries including Germany, Serbia and Slovakia, this is the day when the Christmas Tree is brought into the house and decorated.
What is Christmas Eve?
This storm can occur in the EASTERN United States any time between October and April, when moisture and cold air are plentiful. They are known for dumping heavy amounts of rain and snow, producing hurricane-force winds, and creating high surfs that cause severe beach erosion and coastal flooding. What is a Easter Storm? What is a Nor'easter? What is a tornado?
What is a Nor'easter?
The largest single snowstorm on record lasted five days in Alaska and left this many feet of snow. What is 50 feet? What is 75 feet? What is 125 feet? What is 141 feet?
What is 141 feet?
This holiday symbol has traditionally been used to celebrate winter festivals (pagan and Christian) for thousands of years. Many early ones seem to have been hung upside down from the ceiling using chains (hung from chandeliers/lighting hooks). The first documented use of one of these at Christmas and New Year celebrations is in town square of Riga, the capital of Latvia, in the year 1510. What is a Christmas Tree? What is Frosty the Snowman? What is mistletoe?
What is a Christmas Tree?
Bonne Année (French), Hauoli Makahiki Hou (Hawaiian), Boldog Ooy Ayvet (Hungarian) and Felice anno nuovo (Italian) mean this holiday wish.
What is Happy New Year?
In this country, finding a spider on the Christmas tree is considered to be good luck, so fake spider webs and spiders are common Christmas tree decorations. What is France? What is Chad? What is Ukraine?
What is Ukraine?
This is the temperature your body feels when the air temperature is combined with the wind speed. The higher the wind speed the faster exposed areas of your body lose heat and the colder you feel. What is chili? What is big chill? What is wind chill?
What is wind chill?
On the average, one inch of rain is equivalent to this many inches of snow. What is 3 inches? What is 7 inches? What is 10 inches? What is 14 inches?
What is 10 inches?
In 1931 this beverage company helped to spread the image of Santa Claus in it's advertising. They now use polar bears during their winter advertisements.
What is Coca-Cola?
This is a Swahili word that means "first" and signifies the first fruits of the harvest. It is also a name of a celebration that runs from December 26 to January 1.
What is Kwanzaa?
This ancient Roman leader established January 1 as the start of the new year in his calendar. Who is Marc Antony? Who is Julius Ceasar? Who is Papa John?
Who is Julius Ceasar?