Winter, Warning,
Before a
Winter Storm
During a
Winter Storm
After a
Winter Storm

At what temperature does ice form?

32°F or 0°C


What is a winter weather watch?

A winter storm or blizzard could happen! Make sure to keep an eye on the weather so that you can prepare for going outside or staying inside instead.


What types of supplies should you prepare in case of a winter weather emergency?

extra food for people and pets, power, first aid supplies and medicine

what life saving actions can you take to protect yourself outside during a winter storm?

Find shelter and try to stay dry covering all exposed body parts. When there is no shelter nearby, built a snow cave for protection from the wind and place rocks around a fire to absorb and reflect heat. 


Why should you check the local news and weather station after a snow storm?

For new information on road conditions and other news. Also consider checking in with your local water and utility company to see if water is safe to drink and when electricity and gas services may be restored


What are three ways you can prevent yourself from falling when it is icy outside?

Slow down and avoid running, look where you are going, dust salt over areas common walking areas such as porch steps


What is a winter weather advisory?

Wintry weather expected. Exercise caution. Light amounts of wintry precipitation or patchy blowing snow will cause slick conditions and could affect travel if precautions are not taken


How should you prepare your car for a winter weather emergency?

cell phone charger, first aid kit, jumper cables, spare tire and jack, flares, full tank of gas, tow rope, blankets, snow shovel and brush, flashlight, mittens, hat boots and warm clothes, water, and snacks


what should you do before driving through a winter snow storm

Let someone know where you are going, what route you plan on taking, have your phone fully charged, clear your car of all snow and ice including all windows, front, sides, and rear


How can you prevent yourself from falling on ice?

Walk carefully, try not to run and keep your hands out of your pockets to help you balance if you slip. Walk with small steps and flat footed. Be careful when exiting a car, hold onto the door while exiting in case you slip. If you do fall, try to fall on grass or dirt and keep rolling.


What is sleet?

A form of precipitation consisting of ice pellets, often mixed with rain or snow


What is a winter weather warning?

Heavy snow or ice is coming! There is going to be at least 6 inches of snow in the next 12 hours, roads and sidewalks may be unsafe to walk in and you should plan ahead.


Why should you prepare your car for a winter weather emergency?

Because you never know when you will encounter winter weather or an emergency road closure.


What do you do if your car gets stuck during a winter storm?

stay in the vehicle, run the motor about 10 minutes each hour for heat, while running the motor, open the window for a little fresh air to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, clear snow from the exhaust pipe to avoid gas poisoning.


How should you dress to stay warm when you are going outside and there is a lot of snow?

lightweight layers of warm, loose fitting clothes. Boots, gloves/mittens, scarves and hats keep your body heat in. Make sure to wear a coat. Don't wear wet clothes outside.


What are some warning signs your body is getting too cold?

Confusion, shivering, difficulty speaking, sleepiness, stiff muscles


Where can you find information about your current weather forecast?, news and TV, or weather apps, radio


What types of food are good to stock up on in preparation for a winter weather storm?

non-perishable foods: canned goods, dried fruits, nuts granola bars and other food requiring no cooking or refrigeration


How do you make yourself visible to rescuers if you are stuck in a car during a storm?

turn on the dome light at night when running the engine, tie a bright colored cloth, preferably  red, to your antenna or door, after snow stops falling, raise the hood of your car to indicate you need help.


What are some road hazards to watch out for after a winter storm?

roads that havent been properly cleared, flooded areas, black ice and potholes

What is hypothermia?

A medical condition that results when your body looses heat faster than it can produce heat.


How can freezing rain be dangerous?

Rain that freezes when it hits the ground; creating a coating of ice on roads, walkways, trees and power lines. It can cause power outages, slips and falls, and roadway accidents


How can you receive weather updates if the power is out?

During a power outage, internet and TV may available to check for weather updates. Its a good idea to have a portable weather radio that is powered by battery (and extra batteries) ready in case of an emergency. 


What should you do if your heat goes out to stay warm?

Close off unneeded rooms to avoid wasting heat, stuff towles or rags in cracks under doors, close blinds or curtains to keep in some heat, eat and drink, food provides the body with energy producing its own heat, drink lots of water and other non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic drinks to prevent dehydration, cold air is very dry, wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, and warm clothing. Remove layers to avoid overheating, perspiration and subsequent chill


Why do floods happen after a major winter storm?

Large quantities of snow and ice melt, flooding the nearby area