Last day to drop an S class and get a full refund
January 19th
According to our Gregorian calendar, this day only occurs once every 4 years.
February 29.
How many months are there in a Gregorian year
What day is New Year's day on the Gregorian calendar.
January first
Where were fireworks invented.
China (during the Liuyang dynasty)
First day to petition for a second attempt at credit for an S course
January 20th
The French Republican Calendar (briefly implemented following the French Revolution) consisted of 12 months; each of which contained 30 days that were organised into 3 10 day cycles (similar to week). It also had x intercalary days at the end of the year to fill out the calendar, how many intercalary days were there in a year according to this calendar.
4-5 depending on the year (it was a really dumb calendar)
Who is credited with writing the Gregorian calendar
What is another name for the Chinese New Year.
Lunar New Year.
Due to massive firework purchases, this private company is the second largest purchaser of gunpowder in the world (after the US military).
Deadline to pay winter fees and avoid service charges.
January 31st
This calendar, which is also the national calendar of Iran, is recognised as being the most accurate calendar in the world in terms of ability to track the Earth's rotation around the Sun.
Solar Hijri calendar/Persian calendar.
What type of calendar is the Gregorian calendar.
Solar calendar
On April 14th, many Tamil peoples will celebrate this holiday that marks the marks the first day of the year on the Tamil calendar.
Tamil New Year/ Puthandu
Wrote the song "Firework"
Katy Perry
Reading week
February 18-21
According to the Geʽez calendar (the Ethiopian Calendar), what year is it right now.
What calendar was the Gregorian calendar made to replace.
Julian calendar
On June 25, this holiday will mark the first day of the year on the Islamic calendar.
Islamic New Year/ Hijri New Year
What gives fireworks their unique colours.
Metal salts.
This is explained by means of the spectroscopic characteristics of d-block transition metals.
Deadline to CR/NCR a class/ cancel a second attempt at credit.
April 4th
The number of days it takes for the Earth to make a full rotation around the Sun
According to the Gregorian Calendar, how many days are there in a year
I will also accept 364.25
According to the Chinese zodiac, what animal will be associated with 2025
Year of the Snake
Many fireworks operate by means of the combustion of gunpowder. What are the 3 primary atomic components of GSR (Gun Shot Residue)