This program assists individuals who have lost their jobs due to layoffs, closures, or downsizing.
What is the Dislocated Worker Program?
WIOA Title II in Iowa emphasizes serving individuals with barriers to employment, including this group of learners who may need additional support due to limited proficiency in English.
Who are English Language Learners (ELLs)?
June 6, 1933
When was the Wagner-Peyer Act signed into law?
IVRS works with Iowans with ___________ to help them find successful employment.
What are disabilities?
This is the complete address of the Waterloo AJC.
What is 3420 University Ave, Waterloo, IA 50701?
This program addresses the needs of young people aged 14-24 with a focus on both in-school and out-of-school youth, providing educational support, job readiness training, and career pathways.
What is the Youth Program?
In Iowa, WIOA Title II primarily funds programs that help adults improve skills in these three key areas: reading, writing, and this.
What is math (numeracy)?
This is what SWA means
What are State Workforce Agencies?
The Waterloo IVRS Area Office currently provides services in ___ (#) counties.
What is 8?
This is the complete address of the Hawkeye Community College Van G Miller Adult Learning Center.
What is 120 Jefferson Street, Waterloo, IA 50701?
This program focuses on individuals 18 and older who are low-income and who have barriers to gaining employment.
What is the Adult Program?
In Iowa, WIOA Title II funding supports programs that provide instruction for adults to earn this state-recognized credential, which serves as an alternative to a high school diploma.
What is the HiSET (High School Equivalency Test)?
This is what JVSG stands for.
What is Jobs for Veterans State Grants?
IVRS can serve youth as young as _____.
What is age 14?
Taylor Williams holds this position with the Northeast Iowa Local Workforce Development Board.
What is the Executive Director?
This Work-Based Learning Experience is used for individuals who have limited work experience or have been out of the labor force for an extended period of time.
What is a Work Experience Program?
Under WIOA Title II, adult education programs in Iowa must offer services that support learners in achieving these three primary outcomes: obtaining a high school equivalency, entering postsecondary education or training, and this.
What is gaining employment?
This program represents a heightened focus by IWD on getting unemployed Iowans back to work as quickly as possible.
What is Reemployment Case Management (RCM)?
IVRS Counselors obtain medical records to get documentation of any diagnoses so we can determine _________.
What is eligibility?
The three Title III Operation Managers have this additional title/position.
What is One Stop Operator?
This Work-Based Learning Experience provides an individual with exposure to work, skill development, and the requirements for successful job retention that are needed to enhance the long-term employability of that individual.
What is an Internship?
Title II in Iowa provides funding for Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs, which combine adult education and workforce preparation with this essential component.
What is workforce training?
This program "Promotes Independence and Self-sufficiency through Employment, Job Opportunities and Basic Skills."
What is Promise Jobs?
IVRS is able to fund for multiple items/services depending on job candidate need/appropriateness. Name 3 services or items IVRS may be able to help fund.
Multiple correct answers (transportation, job seeking services, job placement services, job coaching, assistive technology, interview clothing, postsecondary tuition, books, tools, etc)
October 13, 2025
When is the next in-service?