
What is our main objective/optimization for Upper Funnel support?

Traffic objective optimized towards Landing Page Views!


What is the definition of a WCA?

Website Custom Audience: A pool of users who have visited the initial subpages of the AT&T website (that falls within Lead/Search events)


What are the two ways someone can be retargeted into LF from an UF or MF ad?



What is the difference between 1P vs. 2P vs. 3P?

1P: Jeff Woo, direct custom lists from AT&T

2P: Platform-derived audiences

3P: Third-party audiences such as Datalogix/Acxiom


Why is UF Traffic important to include in a FF campaign?

This allows for the broadest reach to fill retargeting pools!


What is our main objective/optimization for Prospecting?

Conversions objective optimized towards Add to Cart!


What is the definition of a buyflow entry?

Buyflow Entry: When a user reaches specific subpages of the AT&T website (falling within View Content/Add to Cart) and is either configuring a new device/plan or adding to their cart


How do you support Apple within DPA?

Due to Apple guidelines, must use a "dummy" phone image with generic messaging that does not directly call out the brand.


What part of the funnel do we leverage DLX audiences?



How many pixels do we leverage on each social platform?

ONE per platform!


What are our two main objectives/optimizations for Retargeting?

1) Conversions objective, optimized towards Purchase!

2) Catalog Sales objective, optimized towards Purchase!


What is Cross-Sell?

Drive Mobility purchase consideration to bundle by resonating with qualified prospects with existing TVBB service


What are the 3 custom events and 3 native events we can leverage on TW for retargeting?

Custom: Site Visit, Buyflow Entry, Purchase

Native: Impression, Engagement, Video View


Which site action exclusions do you leverage in a LAL or DPA AE audience?

ALL! As an OR statement!


How do we differentiate audiences between UF and MF?

UF: More broad and generic to drive awareness/traffic

MF: More targeted based on messaging relevance (device/tech interests)


What is the one way someone can be retargeted into MF from a UF ad?

Video view retargeting!


What is a bounce rate and what is the standard % seen for site traffic on FB?

Bounce rate: Percentage of users who "bounce" or abandon a site before fully loading and/or moving beyond the initial page

Standard FB %: 53%!


How does DPA retargeting work?

Dynamically serve product image ads (from FB Product Catalog) to users who have previously taken action/expressed interest in those products on your website (viewed SKU product page or added to cart)


What can you create a LAL audience against and how is 1-10% ranges defined?

LAL can be created against ALL types of actions including Lead, Search, PageView, Add to Cart, and Purchase.

1% = smaller scale, highest quality

10% = larger scale, lowest quality


What are our 3 benchmark ranges for CPSV, CPBE and CPL?

CPSV: $5-10

CPBE: $25-50

CPL: $200-300


What ad formats work best for each stage of the funnel and why?

UF: Video-first, Canvas, Collection, Carousel

MF: Video/Static, Carousel

LF: Static


How do you categorize the Lead, Search, View Content, and Add to Cart events within WCA and DPA?

Lead: Initial site visit of page not displaying a product catalog or device

Search: Initial site visit of page displaying a product catalog or multiple devices

View Content: Deeper site visit of page displaying a single device / SKU

Add to Cart: Deeper site visit of page displaying plan/device configuration


What are the 5 standard events we can leverage on FB for retargeting?

Lead, Search, View Content, Add to Cart, Purchase!


What is the difference between DPA AE and LAL?

DPA AE: Dynamically serve relevant product image ads (from FB Product Catalog) to prospective customers even if they haven’t visited your website / viewed the products you offer and is very broad, large-scale sizing

LAL: Audiences that have similar attributes to users who have already taken an action on your website (ex. Site Visit, Add to Cart, Purchase), yet is less broad, smaller-scale sizing


What is a DPA Catalog?

Dynamic Product Catalog: Hub of all active, live products on AT&T website that can be served to consumers who have previously expressed interest through retargeting efforts