Poem Quotes
Figurative Language
Author's Biography

What are the pattern of rhymes at the ends of lines of a poem that are usually written as letters? 

Rhyme Scheme

The prize Wisława Szymborska won 1996 in recognition of her poems.

What is the Nobel Prize of Literature?
The quote, "I prefer movies. I prefer cats. I prefer the oaks along the Warta" is an example of what literary device?
Rhetorical Device

In the structure of poetry, what are couplet 's and quatrain's?

What is quatrains are a stanza of 4 lines that sometimes have alternative rhymes and couplets are 2 lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit.

Why would an author want to include parallelism in a poem? What is Parallelism?

What is the author could us this method to add balance and rhythm to sentences. Parallelism is the use of grammatically close components in a sentence. 

In the quote, "A time I bind with chains of signs? An existence become endless at my bidding?" is expresses what literary device?
What is hyperbole