Sentence Structure
Rhetorical strategies
A hot mess of options
"How could you look a child in the face and deny him the food he needs to survive? Only a monster could. Donate today, and save a child's life. He needs you."
What is Pathos
They filled in bubbles and they wrote essays.
What is compound sentence
This is also known as double speak. A transitionary example is: lame → crippled → handicapped → disabled → physically challenged → differently abled
What is euphemism?
Look! A squirrel! ... This fallacy introduces an irrelevant issue into a discussion as a diversionary tactic.
What is Red Herring?
This is an example of what? In our society we rely too heavily on products from the rain forest.
What is a claim?
"Now I'm guilt stricken, sobbing with my head on the floor, begging for mercy that no one will provide."
What is Pathos
The AP test consists of a multiple choice section, and a synethsis essay, and an analysis essay, and a free response essay.
What is polysndeton sentence.
Back to the Future questions the ability to go back into time and alter your future. This has come to be called the Grandfather what?
What is paradox?
What is an unexpected twist or contrast between what happens and what was intended or expected to happen?
What is irony
The Joker is to Batman (hi Mohamad!) as Lord Voldemort is to Harry Potter.
What is an antagonist?
"Indeed, even Steve Barr, the founder of Green Dot Public Schools lauded by "Waiting for Superman" as one of the leaders of the charter school movement, is vocally pro-union. In fact, all 17 of his charter schools are fully unionized, and the one in Bronx opened as a result of direct collaboration between Green Dot and the AFT."
What is Ethos
They studied for the AP test, they dreamt about the AP test, and they took the AP test and hoped they did well.
What is parallel sentence.
Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity! ~Henry David Thoreau
What is anaphora?
"Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island. And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island." (Franklin Roosevelt, Pearl Harbor Address)
What is an anaphora
“What if I am rich, and another is poor—strong, and he is weak—intelligent, and he is benighted—elevated, and he is depraved? Have we not one Father? Hath not one God created us?”—William Lloyd Garrison, “No Compromise with Slavery”
What is parallelism?
"It used to be that machines automated work, giving us more time to do other things, but now machines automate the production of attention-consuming information, which takes our time. For example, if one person sends the same e-mail message to ten people, then ten people (in theory) should give it their attention. And that's a low-end example."
What is Logos
The students failed the driving test, leaving the teacher in shock and the students in even more shock than the teacher because they had believed they had done well, but rules are rules.
What is loose sentence.
When two opposing ideas, beliefs, characterizations are used to emphasize a point. In literature, this might look like Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort, Aslan and The White Witch, Theoden and Denethor.
What is antithesis?
What appeal deals with the process of reasoning?
What is logic
What is a sustained comparison, often referred to as a conceit. This type of literary element is developed throughout a piece of writing.
What is an extended metaphor
God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages."
What is Ethos
Through much studying, staying up late, and not so much rest, the AP students managed to all pass the test.
What is periodic sentence.
This is a moral anecdote, brief or extended, real or fictitious, used to illustrate a point. An example of this would be The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
What is exemplum?
The interpretive level of a word based on its associated images rather than its literal meaning.
What is connotation
Name the genre of Huck Finn and A Modest Proposal.
What is satire.