Women in Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Movies and Tv Shows

The well known scientist for her work with radioactivity and co-discovery of polonium and radium. First woman to win a Nobel prize in science

Who is Marie Curie?


What is the strongest shape to build with?

What is Triangle?


Television show starring sisters: Kourtney, Khloe, and Kim and brother Rob

What is Keeping up with the Kardashians 


A chemist and crystallographer whose X-ray diffraction images helped uncover the double-helix structure of DNA

Who is Rosalind Franklin?


This non-Newtonian fluid is best known for its pairing with french fries

What is Ketchup?


What Netflix Original holds the record for most views on the platform?  

What is Squid Game (1.65 billion hours as of Jan, 2023)


Credited as the first computer programmer because she created the first algorithm used by an early computer prototype

Who is Ada Lovelace


What does DNA stand for?

What is Deoxyribonucleic Acid?


In which disney movie is there a fox and rabbit duo?

What is zootopia


An actress and inventor whose work co-developing a radio guidance system during WWII helped pave the way for modern Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and GPS technologies.

Who is Hedy Lamarr?


What does CAD stand for in engineering?

What is Computer Aided Design?


What is the Japanese based animated children show that has a yellow electric mouse as the main character's companion?

What is Pokémon?


First American woman in space in 1983 on the Challenger space shuttle (STS-7)

What is Sally Ride?


The name for 4 bits of information to a computer. Hint: 8 bits is called a byte.

What is a nibble?


The pub that the group of friends in How I Met Your Mother frequently visits

What is McLaren's Pub