The original name for Halloween
What is Samhain?
This tool represents the womb of the goddess
What is a Cauldron?
This herb is known as the Witch’s Herb
What is Rosemary?
A witch’s companion in magickal workings
What is a Familiar?
The number of witches burned at the stake in the United States
What is 0/None?
The name of the Sabbat that has just passed
What is Mabon/Autumn Equinox?
This tool is typically placed in the center of the alter in Wiccan Traditions
What is a Pentacle?
This mixture that is used for magickal purposes is called _______.
What is a Potion?
This Roman goddess is known as the Queen of the Witches
Who is Diana?
The year the Salem Witch Trials have occurred
What is 1692?
The alternative name to May Day
What is Beltane?
The proper name for a spell book or a magickal compendium
What is a Grimoire?
This goddess is said to have given witches the gift of herbcraft and poisons
Who is Hecate?
While in Traditional Witchcraft, practitioners are not required to worship deities, however they do tend to honor ________ in their practice.
What are Ancestors?
This wife of Henry VIII was accused of sorcery
Who is Anne Boleyn?
This a good day to work on a love spell
What is a Friday?
In the 17th century, witches were said to use these to get to coven meetings
What is a Broom?
These herbs can be smoked for magickal purposes
These are the different kinds of ancestors
What are Familial/Geographical/Spiritual&Witch?
The ancient holidays of the ______ are now practiced by most Wiccans and Neoplatonism today.
Who are the Celts?
This day is associated with Mercury
What is Wednesday?
This tool is used to harvest herbs
What is a Sickle/Boline?
Deadly Nightshade’s Latin name is attributed to one of these fates
Who is Atropos?
Dionysus, Odin, Horus, and Mithras all have similar story that’s also linked to that of _______.
Who is Jesus?
Magic and Medicine were considered one in the same in this ancient civilization
What is Egypt?