The name of Amy's group of women.
What is the Starry Cluster?
This is the biggest hindrance in spreading the gospel in India.
What is the caste system?
While the women were inside the house mourning the death of a man; what were the women outside doing?
They were laughing.
Who spent two years helping Amy in India?
Her mother.
How old was Preena when she came to the mission?
She was 7 years old.
This was an indicator of her husband's wealth.
What is a woman's jewelry?
This was a distraction for Amy when witnessing to people in India.
What is her hair didn't have oil in it?
During a festival, this happens to Amy and Ponnammel that was against the Hindu religion.
What is get swept up into the temple?
How did God answer her prayer so she may be able to bring Him an offering?
She found a copper coin on the walking path.
What happened to Preena that caused Amy to focus on rescuing children from the temple?
She was given to the temple priest.
The missionary who helped Amy learn the Tamil language.
Who is Mr. Walker?
This is the unpardonable sin in India.
What is killing the sacred cow?
This is the name of the dress Hindu women wear.
What is a sari?
What may happen to Indian people who become Christians?
They would disappear and die.
What was the statement Arulai made concerning Amy’s eye color?
It was a good thing she didn’t have blue eyes like other foreigners.
This is the main religion in India.
What is Hinduism?
The Indians had many festivals - why?
To worship their gods.
Describe the character Arulai before she met Amy.
She was mean to her friends.
How did God answer Arulai’s prayers to allow her to go to the ammal?
She got sick and had to stay with Amy until she got better.
What did Amy do after realizing God DID answer her prayer when she was only 3.
She wrote a poem of thanksgiving.
There was no Tamil name for this word, which is why the people in India did not understand what Amy meant.
What is "home"?
An Indian man shared with Amy something about his religion that she couldn't get out of her head.
What is "Hinduism swallows up all other religions"?
This event caused Arulai to think about life after death.
What is the death of her younger brother?
What did Jewel of Victory’s father tell her he would do if she followed Jesus?
Throw her in the fire.
What test did Amy put God to?
She bought a child and asked the Lord to send 100 rupees from a new source.