Literary Devices
Chinese Traditions
Without Wood

"All of us are like stairs, one step after another, going up and down, but all going the same way"


An-Mei is distraught that, although she raised her daughter completely opposite of how An-Mei's mother raised her, they are all the same.


What does 'without wood' symbolize?

 lacking both strength and substance


In past generations how were the women within their families treated?

They were silenced, They were less than men, and They had no choice.

The life of An-Mei's mother illustrates women's lack of influence and power over their fate.


What does Rose find in her mailbox?

Divorce papers and a ten-thousand-dollar check  


When the turtle's pearl eggs cracked, what came out?



"That was China. That was what people did back then.  They had no choice. They could not speak up. They could not run away. That was their fate.”


The repetition of "that" and "they" establishes a distance and contributes to the negative and hopelessly reflecting tone of the quote


What does Old Mr. Chou symbolize?

Old Mr. Chou represents the powerful hold that An-Mei's words have on and influence Rose. Mr. Chou is never mentioned outside of the words of An-Mei, but Rose truly believes that is she misbehaves or disobeys she will be punished.


Why does Rose go to An-Mei for advice?

To her, her mother knows the best.


What main problem causes Ted and Rose's marriage to collapse? (2 possible answers)

Either of the following work: 

She avoids making choices (This one is likely more important)

Ted cheats on Rose and she loses faith in him


What does the second wife try to give An-Mei to try to win her over?

A pearl necklace


" if someone had torn off both my arms without anesthesia, without sewing me back up."


Compares the painful love she feels from Ted to an intense physical pain


What does the garden symbolize? (Think of Ted and Rose's marriage)

It represents the disintegration of Ted and Rose's marriage. Rose says she enjoys the garden just the way it is—messy and overgrown. This represents Rose's satisfaction with her marriage and her increased sense of self-assurance and control over her life. Ted had not tended the garden in a long time, indicating his disregard for maintaining the stability of their marriage.


How is wood significant in Chinese traditions in without wood?

Wood is one of the 5 Chinese elements, which Rose lacks causing her to listen to others and many decisions tend to confuse her


Why is Rose upset about the pen Ted used on the divorce papers?

She had given him this pen for Christmas and he promised only to use it for important things (to be fair a divorce is pretty major)


What does An-Mei's mother do to the pearl necklace?

Cracks and breaks the pearls


"The big oak door that opens unto a foyer filled with stained-glass windows. The sunlight in the breakfast room, the south view of the city from the front parlor."


It's describing an image, how surprising :/


What do tears symbolize in Magpies? (Think about it)

Happiness: When one cries, one is not washing away one’s sorrows but feeding another’s joy by letting their tears out

Fun Fact: the term for this is called "schadenfreude" (or in English, epicaricacy)


What does the garden represent in the Chinese culture?

It is a traditional symbol for growth and rebirth, and as in the Bible, this garden will serve as a backdrop for betrayal.


What does Rose realize about herself?

She realizes she needs to speak up and learn how to take control


Who treats An-Mei's mother kindly during her stay at Wu-Tsing's mansion?

The servants


" swallow other people's misery, to eat my own bitterness"


Speaks of "misery" and "bitterness" like physical objects that can be swallowed


What do the weeds of Rose's and Ted's garden symbolize?

It represents the specific issues, like Ted cheating on his wife, that caused the marriage to fail. This represents how Ted and Rose's marriage was unable to be remedied in any way other than through divorce due to the abundance of weeds in it. 

“No way to pull [the weeds] out once they’ve buried themselves in the masonry; you’d end up pulling the whole building down."

"And the answer, the one that was important above everything else, ran through my body and fell from my lips: 'You can’t just pull me out of your life and throw me away [You know, like a weed].'"


What is the significance of the sapphire ring that An-Mei’s mother gives her?

In Chinese legends, they claim that sapphire rings will open your mind, and show you the way to connect with your inner self and god. An-mei’s mother wanted An-mei to obtain stability within her livelihood.


How does An-Mei portray Old Mr. Chou?

According to An-Mei, he is the guardian of a door that leads to dreams. He will either allow Rose to go through the door or give her nightmares 


Why is An-Mei happy for the first few weeks at Wu-Tsing's house?

Because An-Mei connects with her mother