What brand of wizard or sorcerer is able to reanimate the dead?
Silk, string or web.
One, translated to Spanish, is the name of this infamous tabletop game.
True or False: Skin is the body’s largest organ.
This 2021 Disney movie features the Amazing Madrigals, a family of individuals who posses supernatural abilities.
With ice based abilities, who is the most know wizard of Adventure Time.
Ice King.
How many legs do most spiders have?
What game do you exclaim "checkmate" once you are victorious?
True or False: Cows don’t actually have four stomachs; they have one stomach with four compartments.
According to IMDb, this is the most watched movie of all time.
What color are the dearly sought after slippers in the wizard of Oz?
Ruby Red
This comic book hero, known as "Peter Parker," has created a secret persona as the "Friendly Neighborhood" what.
What is currently the best selling video game of all time?
Minecraft. Tetris if you include all variations!
True or False: Human teeth are the slowest part of the body to heal.
False. Teeth do not heal, they are coated in enamel which is not a living tissue.
Who said: "My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
Forrest Gump
Of the Disney movie, The Sword in the Stone, what well known wizard is featured?
Arachne, of Greek mythology, challenged Athena to what skill based artform. After out preforming the goddess, Athena later transformed Arachne into a spider.
Green light, Red light, a school yard classic game, is featured in this 2021 hit Netflix show.
Squid Game.
True or False: Despite popular memes, the Eastern Island Heads do not have bodies.
False: The Easter Island heads have bodies. In the 2010s, archaeologists found that two of the Pacific Island figures actually had torsos that measured as high as 33 feet.
What year was Shrek Released?
This 2007 American fantasy teen sitcom, starred Selena Gomez as Alex Russo. A wizard in training among her two brothers fighting for the families wizarding power.
Wizards of Waverly Place
In the 2006 film, "Charlotte's Web," what farm animal does Charlotte the spider attempt to save from slaughter?
Wilbur/ Pig
The casino is home to numerous gambling opportunities. What is the most popular game played among all casinos?
Slot Machines, followed by Black Jack.
True or False: You may not hunt moths under street lamps in Los Angeles.
True. Moth hunting was a popular pass time in the Victorian era when avid collectors used to beat caterpillars down from trees.
This Marvel Movie was the #1 highest grossing film of 2021.
Spider-Man: No Way Home