Base Down R/
Protection / Jags Pressure
Dialed or Not Dialed
Fill in the Blank

Detail the “alert Z flutter” mechanism and what 2 plays do we have it on?

Only bring the flutter vs weak rotation otherwise leave the Z frontside – (12p) 17 kitchen and (11p) 39 waco cut bubble.


Describe base down overload looks - what they are trying to get you to do? how do you know where to send the protection?

“splash the water”, want you to send pro away from overload, trust rotation / don’t believe a nkl that isn’t capped.


What is the lone Strike Zone play?

Z Mo Trey Rt Cat P37 Kitchen X Around Rt Throwback (c) 200J Saturn


(FIB) ____ Rt ___ F ___ 300 ____ Karras _ ______ H _____

(FIB) Dice Rt Tab F Fly 300 Scat Karras X Bubble H Slant


This defender has lead the NFL in tackling the last 2 seasons.

#23 Foyesade Oluokun


There are 4 runs listed in the base to 11 section – what are they (50 points each)

Z Mo Dice Wichita Z Archer (c) 3

Dice Kick Read Stork

Dice Closer Waco Cut

Brunch Alert Z Flutter Waco Cut Bubble


When are we most likely to get cover zero? Detail our cover zero plan.

Low red zone, kill to 58 vs the sub SAW zero, leave jet vs the BASE 5 man rush 0d hole.

   Have called 3 times in high red on 3rd / med. Have HOUSE available (shaq h cheese)


Perfect Call - What are the 2 Orlando calls?

Y Ox Brunch Loose Salma Pin Orlando X Low

I Rt Duval Shift Sprint LT Orlando


_ Mo ____ Rt _ Jet ___ F _____ _ Wheel

X Mo Jaxon Rt 2 Jet Rib F Bingo X Wheel

Two defenders attended the University of Wyoming, who are they?

#48 Chad Muma

#42 Andrew Wingard


The plan includes a guard trap, a tackle trap, and a TE “trap”. Call each play with relevant CAN and criteria.

Jax Tito Bubble (c) Jet Scale Duke

F Mo Dice Clamp Wham (c) 6

Y Short Troff Cage F Bubble (c) Jet Scale Duke


Outline the plan for JAM fronts – jet? scat? Name 4 different pressures they have shown.

Jet = ralph/lester away from LB on EOL. Poker if stack LB offset to HB. Ralph + HB scan needed for jam fonzi.

Scat = leave poker and digit side squeezes.

Blitzes = plug + edges drop, plug + 5 down, 5 down + SS, Fonzi


There are 3 plays with a 2-man shift on them. What are they?

Shift Diamond Scram Tiger X Bubble H Now

I Rt Duval Shift Sprint Lt Orlando

Leap Bird Jet Chip F Cabo Snag X Duke


___ Rt Open 2 ____ H ______ Caffeine X _______

Jax Rt Open 2 Scat H Choice Caffeine X Special


#41 Josh Allen


in 90 seconds call as many keepers as you can (75 points each).

Deuce Close Sarah Z Coast X Stutter Go

Water Slope Z Flutter Sarah F Coast

Z Mo Deuce Fk 18 Horn Keep

Z Short Water Slope Salma Toss Crack X Low

Y Mo Buffalo Clamp Salma X Coast

G Deuce Z Seek Salma Cocaine

Brunch Tite Zac Sarah Cut Y Coast (X Bench)

Z Mo Disk Close Z Flutter Salma F Coast

Y Short Trips Fk 38 Horn Keep Y Sham


Describe the plan for ABBY fronts

Showing abby man? Don’t believe them = expect 22 tampa version.

Abby 7 threat = check to house if available and ID to boundary a-gap LB.

If no HOUSE = aaron/alley and ready to play “warm” off the widest.

Alert CASINO vs 7th threat to boundary.


3rd Down

There are 6 Dice Off Y Home Plays - Call them perfectly

House X Under Y Swab

House H Brie X Blink Throttle

House Chip Both Blink Little Dragon Throttle

House Chip Both Stutter Go Throttle

House Shaq H Cheese



____ Rt Titer 2 _____ Attack _ ____ H ____ _____

Tide Rt Titer 2 Scat Delay Attack X Sham H Wide Block


Who is the top frequency blitzer out of the secondary?

#2 Rayshawn Jenkins


in the 2x2 section of the run plan there are 4 different CAN criteria and 1 possible adjustment – give each criteria/adjustment and the play it is associated with (100 pts each).

Cv 11 - Z Mo Dice Wichita Macho Z Archer / Fibreeze Z Archer (c) 3

CB Press - Dice # Wichita Macho Z Arrow Stork (c) Wichita

Loose 9 - [FIB] Dice Rt (+) Toss 38 Structure (c) Batman Zeek

9+1/Aware - Dip American (c) YAZ Batman / [FIB] Y Short Dixie # Tap Frontier (c) 0

Possible Cancel - Dice Same 32 Duo Z Sigma Stork


Describe the plan for GIANT fronts (each variation)

 Giant no bug / Giant single bug = sort/sort (very little pressure).

Giant Bug / Tuff = Need HOUSE to block, ID the a-gap LB.

If no HOUSE = sort/sort and site to side of 7th threat (or casino vs triple plug look).

Key #41 hand in dirt or standing up for direction of overload.


3rd Down

There are 6 drop-back passes where we are creating interference on the defense. What are they?

F Mo Jingle Scat Rib'it Baby Curry

Y Mo Booze Scat Arrowhead Swagger (Poss Cancel)

Jingle Open Fax Jet Chip Y Snare Knife

Doubly Uno Y Jet Chip Thunder Z Basic (a) Celtics

[FIB] Jaxon X Fly Jet Chip Y Stick Knife

Leap Bird Jet Chip F Cabo Snag X Duke



____ RT ____ # 2 ____ Y ___ X _____ F _____

Dice Rt Tout # 2 Scat Y Bow X Whirl F China


Hint: Tha Thong Song

#5 Anthony Cisco