What is the transition to new manufacturing processes.
Industrial Revolution
What color are most peppered moths?
White with black specks
A list of rights American citizens have.
Bill of Rights
What is the highest law in the United States?
What is H2O more commonly known as?
A building or group of buildings where goods are made.
Why were there more black moths during the Industrial Revolution?
Because the air was polluted with black dust
A minor change or addition to the US Constitution.
What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?
To protect citizens' rights and freedoms
Which two colors are mixed together to make green?
blue and yellow
How well organisms adapt to their environment.
Why did Darwin’s finches have different beaks?
Because they lived on different islands and adapted to different environments
The highest law of this nation. It is a plan for how the government works. It forms the three branches of government.
How many amendments make up the Bill of Rights?
In which ocean is the Great Barrier Reef located?
Pacific Ocean
When an animal changes to survive better in its environment.
What is "survival of the fittest"?
The strongest and smartest organisms survive best
Who is Louis Zamperini?
An Olympic runner and World War II hero
Who has the right to vote in the United States?
Citizens 18 and older
What is the name of the ship that the Pilgrims sailed to America on?
Who was Charles Darwin?
A scientist who studied finches
What is camouflage?
The ability to change colors to blend into the environment
Why do we need the Constitution?
To stop the government from becoming too powerful
Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
The 19th Amendment
What is the largest planet in our solar system?