The means by which companies try to inform, persuade, and remind consumers about their products
Marketing Communication
Some of the main direct marketing channels are direct mail, catalog marketing, and infomercials
Generating viable ideas typically takes one of two ways
Top-down or bottom-up
It concentrates on consumers’ specific responses to communications
Micromodel of marketing communication
It should never be used as the sole source of marketing communications for a brand
Social Media
In product innovation, it begins with identifying a market opportunity, followed by developing an offering specifically designed to address this opportunity
Top-down idea generation
It articulates the interaction between the company and the consumer of the communication message
Macromodel of marketing communication
The use of consumer direct channels to reach and deliver goods to customers without intermediaries
Direct Marketing
The innovation imperative is that continuous innovation is this
A Necessity
The marketing communication process is made up of those two models
The Macromodel and Micromodel of marketing communication
An approach to managing a communication campaign through a coordinated use of different tools that work in concert and reinforce one another to enable the company to achieve its strategic goals
Bottom-up idea generation usually starts with this
An invention and then try to identify an unmet market need
The three main objectives of every marketing communication are to create awareness, incite action, and this
Identifying target audience for your marketing communication starts with this
A clear target audience
The success of a product offering is determined by the degree to which it can create value for this
Its target customers, collaborators, and the company
The triple bottom line of the role corporate social responsibility plays in marketing management
Balancing People, Planet and Profit