Educacion 1
high school
la escuela secundaria
the semester
el semestre
the private university
la universidad privada
the interest
el interes
to manage
to be accepted
ser aceptado
the counselor
el consejero
the entrance exam
el examen de ingreso
to pay
the bills
las cuentas
the major
la especialidad
to graduate
the master's degree
la maestria
the debt
la deuda
the expenses
los gastos
the bachelor's degree
la licenciatura
to pass
the loan
el prestamo
the penalty fee
la multa
the credit card
la tarjeta de credito
the scholarship
la beca
the tuition/enrollment fee
la matricula
to make a payment on time
hacer un pago a tiempo
the due date
la fecha de vencimiento
to fall behind