Staff Members
Dress code
Hand signals
Arrival/ Dismissal

How should your devices (cell phones, smart watches, iPad, etc.) remain during the instructional day?

All devices should remain turned off during the instructional day.  


What is the name of WLE's principal?  

WLE's principal is Mrs. Cresswell. 


What is the rule regarding wearing hats or head coverings?  

Any type of hat or head covering is prohibited at WLE. Hats may NOT be worn from belts or belt loops. 


If I need a pencil I should?

Raise my arm straight up with my pointer finger pointed up and wait for the teacher to direct me to get a pencil or trade dull pencil for a sharpened one. 


Student should arrive at school between ___________ in order to not be counted tardy.

Student should arrive at school between _7:15- 7:40___ in order to not be counted tardy.


What action is taken if a student uses a telecommunication device without authorization during the school day?

The students telecommunication device will be confiscated and taken to the office. 

Bonus: What does confiscated mean? 


Who are the 4th grade teachers you will visit during your instructional day?

Bonus: What does each teacher teach? 

Our teachers are:

Ms. Delgado- RLA

Mrs. Collins- science

Mrs. Lones, Mrs. Whitfield- math


What is a rule regarding shirts, blouses, sweaters, sweatshirts, vest or jackets? 

1. Tube-tops, halter tops or spaghetti straps can only be worn over a t-shirt or under a jacket.

2. Sleeveless shirts must fit snugly under arms and jerseys may only be won with a t-shirt underneath. 

3. ALL shirts MUST completely cover the midriff when standing, arms are fully extended over head and sitting down.  


What does it mean to "sit in CUB"? 

Students should be seated with chairs pulled in, back against the back of the chair, feet flat on the ground and hands free of distraction.  


If a student is tardy, what do they need to do before heading to the classroom?

A parent or guardian must sign the student in at the front office and the student must get a tardy slip to hand to the teacher when they walk into class. 


If a student’s electronic device is confiscated and taken to the office how can they get their device back?

The student or parent may pick up the confiscated device from the principal's office for a fee of $15. 


Who are your specials teachers? 

Coach Tanner- PE

Mr. Warren- music  


 Dresses, jumpers, skirts, skorts, and shorts must be at or below _____________. 

the mid-thigh. 


How can I let the teacher know I need to use the restroom with my WLE hand signals?  

I will raise my hand straight up crossing my pointer and middle fingers waiting quietly on the teacher to say I may go.  


What three options do students have when arriving to school in the morning? 

Students may eat breakfast in the cafeteria, go directly to their class or get a Cub Club ticket (in the cafeteria) to got into other classrooms for morning club activities.  


Does the district/ school provide students with electronic textbooks, technological equipment, and other instructional material? If yes, at what cost to the student and parent?

Yes, the district provides approved instructional material to students free of charge for each subject. 


Who are our Vice-principals? 

Mrs. Linnane

Mrs. Kuhn 


Shorts, pants, and jeans must fit at your ___________.

Bonus: _______________ is NOT permitted.

Shorts, pants, and jeans must fit at your _waist_____.

_Sagging___ is NOT permitted.


If I see or hear a student not following the school/ class expectations I can _____________ them.

This means I am ___________________________

Bonus: What does the signal look like?

If I see or hear a student not following the school/ class expectations I can ____check___ them.

This means I am __encouraging them to do the right thing_____________.

Bonus: thumbs-up, sideways    


If the student is going home in a different manner than they usually go home what must be done? 

A parent or guardian must call the front office and notify them of the change. The teacher must receive a "green note" in order to have proof of the change.


What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing to have before using any electronic device? 

The student MUST have APPROVEL to use any electronic device during the instructional day. Devices such as but not limited to laptops, tablets, cell phones, smart watches or other portable computers.  


Who is our school mascot and what is it? 

Our school mascot is Copper and he is a young cougar cub. 


Name two realistic items that cannot be worn on your head during school?  

bandanas, do-rags, towel, extra cloths, headbands and sweatbands are prohibited. 


What is a FOUL and what does the hand signal look like?

Bonus: How can you restore the relationship after someone is hurt?

A FOUL is a signal that feeling have been hurt.

The hand signal is tapping your heart/ chest to show you are hurt or that someone has hurt a friend. 

Bonus: Give two put-ups for every FOUL. 


Who dismisses students from class during dismissal? 

Bonus: At what time does the bell ring for school dismissal?

Only teachers or school administrators can dismiss students from the classroom.

Bonus: School dismissal is at 3:20.