Who is bell hooks?
a famous feminist author

Name one feminist icon who spoke at Hamilton this semester.

Venus Williams! (and other responses are possible...)

What is the definition of misogyny:
The hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women

True or False: intersectionality is not just an academic term we can use to describe social processes -- it's a real way of approaching fights for social change and justice.



What is a subject position?

A subject position is a worldview.

Intersectionality as a SUBJECT POSITION

Once someone adopts a particular worldview, they inevitably see the world from the vantage point of that position.


What were some of the issues with second wave feminism?

excluded many groups - mainly educated, white, middle class women were included


What is Ms Magazine?

Ms., periodical, launched in 1972 by American feminists Gloria Steinem, Patricia Carbine, and others, that was the first nationally circulated women’s magazine to bring feminism and the issues of the women’s rights movement into the mainstream.


Identify one of the main points from the film The Mask You Live in.

boys and young men in the U.S. often struggle within a narrow definition of masculinity, forced to confront messages encouraging them to disconnect from their emotions, devalue authentic friendships, objectify and degrade women, and resolve conflicts through violence. These gender stereotypes interconnect with race, class, and circumstance, creating a maze of identity issues boys and young men must navigate to become “real” men.


In Dr. Adair's 2008 article, The missing story of ourselves, she offers several case studies. Describe one of them.



Who is Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner?

Earned one of first WGS PhDs in the US

— Historian of the suffrage movement

— Currently adjunct faculty at Syracuse U.


Who was  Matilda Joslyn Gage?

Women's suffragist, Native American rights activist, abolitionist, and general freethinker

- With Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, she was for years in the forefront of the suffrage movement

- After a break with the National Woman Suffrage Association (Gage’s ideas were considered too radical for some other feminists), Gage formed the Women's National Liberal Union in 1890


What is Dr Vivyan Adair a scholar of?

Class and gender


What was the name of the artist and exhibit that we visited at the Wellin this semester? (after we met with Liz Shannon, we visited this exhibit at the end of class...)

René Treviño: Stab of Guilt


What is the name of the WMGST subject librarian?

Alex Wohnsen or Lynn Mayo

TRUE or FALSE Homophobia can be a cause of sexism, heterosexism, and racism.

Who was Elizabeth Cady Stanton?

 Credited as “chief philosopher of the woman’s rights and suffrage movements”

- Stanton worked with Susan B. Anthony, and the two were leaders of the women’s movement


Name 2 news topic presentations that were discussed this semester.

(answers will vary)


What was one of the main points in the film The Man Card?

The film presents the political right’s longstanding use of white male identity politics in U.S. presidential elections. Ranging from Richard Nixon’s tough-talking, fear-stoking law-and-order campaign in 1968 to Donald Trump’s hyper-macho revival of these same tactics in 2020, The Man Card shows how the right has employed a deliberate strategy to frame Democrats and liberals as soft, brand the Republican Party as the party of “real men,” and position conservatives as defenders of white male power and authority in the face of seismic demographic changes and ongoing struggles for equality.


What is the name of the scholar that we read this semester who has written about Beyonce?

Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley


We have covered a range of topics, including: domestic and global feminisms, intersectionality, masculinity, gender and misogyny, sexuality, queer &  LGBTQIA+ studies, race, racism and class

How do these topics overlap with current social movements such as Black Lives Matter & environmental justice advocacy?

Answers vary


What is feminism? Provide a specific example to show what feminism has been good for. Also identify how early feminist movements in the U.S. and feminist sisterhood have historically become problematic.

feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression. - bell hooks examples: better access to education, access to birth control, credit, wide variety of careers...what else? second wave feminism was problematic because it was focused mainly on white, middle-class, educated women, and excluded other groups


Who is Angela Davis?

  • American political activist, philosopher, academic, scholar, and author. 

  • Professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

  • Has written more than 10 books, numerous articles, and is a prominent public figure and intellectual

  • Longtime member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and is a founding member of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS).

  • Jailed from 1970-72

  • Historical context - this was the heart of the Cold War, between 1947-1991, so her identity as a Marxist/Communist activist led her to be on the FBI’s “most wanted” list


What are some of the dangers of toxic masculinity?


What is intersectionality?
An intersectional, feminist lens takes the interlocking factors of intersectionality, race, class, gender, and sexuality into account. Intersectional feminism is also sensitive to power dynamics.

Who is Paula Gunn Allen?

- Writer, critic, professor and activist

- Laguna Pueblo ethnic group

- From New Mexico, where she learned matriarchal ways of the Pueblo culture 

- PhD at the University of New Mexico, where she studied tribal religions, earned her PhD in 1975.

- Has published extensively