Classifying Rocks
Igneous Rock
Sedimentary rock
Metamorphic rock
Geologists classify rocks into 3 major groups
What is Sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic
Igneous rock that formed from lava that erupted onto Earth's surface is called
What is extrusive rock
The process by which sediments settles out of the water or wind carrying it is a a. compaction c. erosion b.deposition d. cementation
What is b. deposition
Heat and pressure deep beneath earth's surface can change any rock into a. chemical rock b. gemstones c. sediemenatry rock d. metamorphic rock
What is metamorphic rock
Which of the following in NOT one of the possible stages in the rock cycle a. volcanic activity b. erosion c. smelting d. melting
What is smelting
Rock that forms from cooling of magma below the surface or lava is called
What is Igneous Rock
The most abundant intrusive rock is
What is granite
Small particles of rock or the remains of living things that make up sedimentary rock are called ______
What is sediments
The texture of a metamorphic rock arranged in parallel layers is called
What is foliated
Generally a rock is made up of a. large crystals b. mixture of minerals and other materials c. small crystals d. compound of everal elements
What is b. mixture of minearls and other materials
Particles of minerals called ________ give a rock its texture
What is grains
this rock has large crystals surrounded by small crystals
What is porphyryr
A sedimentary rock made up of fragments with rounded edges is called a. shale c. conglomerate b. sandstone d. breccia
What is c. conglomerate
What are the two most useful metamorphic rocks? a. sandstone/quartzite b. marble/slate c. limestone/breccia d. granite/shale
What is b. marble/slate
When seas or lakes evaporate, the type of sedimentary rock called a ____________ can form
What is chemical rock
Give three examples of some rock -forming minerals
What is quartz, feldspar, hornblende, mica
An igneous rock that formed from lava is called _______ rock
What is extrusive
The three types of sedimentary rocks are:
What is clastic, organic, chemical
Metamorphic rocks that are non-foliated a. split into layers b. do not split into layers c. have mineral grains lines up in parallel layers d. usually have a rougher texture
What is b. do not split into layers
Coal is an example of ____________, a sedimentary rock that forms where thick layers of plant and animal remains are deposited
What is organic rock
Igneous Rock that cools very quickly when it forms may have a texture that is
What is smooth and shiny with no visible grain
This rock is used for polishing and cleaning
What is pumice
The process in which dissolved minerals crystallize and glue particles of sediment together is a. compaction b. cementation c. deposition d. erosion
What is cementation
This metamorphic rock was once a sedimentary rock called sandstone
What is quartzite
What step in the rock cycle would be required to change granite into sandstone? a. granite particles settle on ocean floor b. lava flows melt granite sediment c. magma hardens into granite sediment d. pieces of granite help when they return to the mantle by subduction
What is a. granite particles settle on ocean floor