This slogan belongs to what candy: "You're not you when you're hungry"
This couple is known for being the first married couple to win the Nobel Prize in 1903 for their discovery of radium and polonium.
Marie and Pierre Curie
What state produces the majority of red roses in the United States?
What infectious disease is known as ‘the kissing disease’?
This candy was originally known as "chicken feed"
candy corn
This couple is known for the discovery of oxygen and laying the foundation for the chemical nomenclature system.
Marie Anne and Antoine Lavoisier
How many heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are sold on Valentine’s Day each year?
~35 million
This chemical is known as the ‘love hormone’
This country consumes the highest amount of candy per capita
This biochemist couple is known for advancing the understanding of how the body produces and stores energy.
Gerty and Carl Cori
What percent of Valentine’s Day gifts are purchased by women?
About how many bacteria are transferred during a 10-second kiss?
~80 million
What do the "M's" in "M&Ms" stand for?
Mars & Murrie
This chemistry couple is known for winning the Nobel Prize in 1935 for their artificial creation of radioactive isotopes.
Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot
How many roses are sent out on Valentine’s Day each year?
~250 million
What is the scientific name for roses?
Rosa rubiginosa
This is the year cotton candy was invented
This couple worked on the Manhattan project and developed methods of X-ray crystallography.
Isabella and Jerome Karle
When was February 14th first declared to be Valentine’s Day?
When was the first heart surgery performed?