Who Am I?
Their Husbands
Notable Places
Moral to the Story
Random Facts

I was was one of several women who traveled with Jesus and his disciples. She generously used her own funds to help care for their needs. (Luke 8:1-3) She followed Jesus till the end of his ministry, and she remained close by when he was executed. She had the privilege of being among the first to see Jesus after he was resurrected.—John 20:11-18 

Who is Mary Magdalene?


In the Bible they refer to me as "The Living One".....My husband blamed me for our issues in life and our children's as well. If he just would be a man and not listen to me in the first place me him and our children would be better off.

Who's my spineless husband?

Who is Adam?


Timothy was raised by Eunice & Lois to be a fine gentleman and ultimately a servant and zealous servant of Jehovah. 

What city did Timothy receive his parenting in?

Where is Lystra?


Rahab was a prostitute who lived in the Canaan, and she became a worshipper of Jehovah God. Rahab later married an Israelite and became an ancestress of both King David and Jesus Christ.—Joshua 2:1-24; 6:25; Matthew 1:5, 6, 16. 

What can we learn from this account?

The Bible refers to Rahab as an outstanding example of faith. (Hebrews 11:30, 31; James 2:25) Her story illustrates that God is both forgiving and impartial, blessing those who trust in him, regardless of their background.


Once Abigail husband died....who became her new husband?

Who is David?


I was drop dead gorgeous (Gen 29:17) compared to my sister. However my sister married the man that loved me first; my father was not fair, he tricked him into marrying her when all he wanted was me! However, because of the love this man had for me, he had to work for my dad for 14 years instead of the 7 years they agreed for.

Who Am I?

Who is Rachel?


Although being a Jew, i was chosen to marry a non Israelite King. As a result, i was known as Queen Esther.

Who was I married to?

King Ahasuerus


Rahab hid two Israelites who were spying out the land. She did this because she had heard reports of how Israel’s God, Jehovah, delivered his people from Egypt and later from an attack by a tribe called the Amorites. 

What land was this that Joshua and 2 spies were spying on?

What is Jericho?


What can we learn from the Shulammite girl?

She maintained a modest view of herself despite her beauty and the attention she received. 

She kept her emotions under control and remained morally chaste. 

Dont view courtship as a sport; no "playa playa" mentality.


Which woman in the bible that is so infamous for her disobedience but yet does not have her name mentioned in the bible?

Who is The Wife of Lot?


I was a beautiful country girl that was in love with someone that i intended to marry, but an Israelite King would not let that happen without a fight. He tried to woo me on numerous occasions, my friends and family also wanted me to marry this king. 

Hint: Wrote an entire book of the bible about me

Who is The Shulamite Maiden or The Shulamite Girl?


Abigail was the wife of a wealthy but harsh man. Abigail, however, was discerning and humble when dealing with him, as well as beautiful both physically and spiritually.—1 Samuel 25:3. 

What was that "knuckle-head" name?

Who is Nabal?


Before Esther became Queen, she and Mordecai (her cousin) were living as exiles in which region/land?

What is Persia?


Delilah was a woman with whom the Israelite judge Samson fell in love with.—Judges 16:4, 5. What can we learn from this account involving Delilah? 

The Philistines bribed Delilah to find out how Samson got his great strength. Delilah accepted the money, and after several attempts, she finally succeeded in uncovering Samson’s secret. (Judges 16:15-17) She then told his secret to the Philistines, who captured and imprisoned Samson.—Judges 16:18-21. 

Delilah is a warning example. Overcome by greed, she acted in a deceitful, disloyal, and selfish way toward a servant of Jehovah God. 


Queen Esther used her influence to prevent the genocide of her own people. She discovered that an official decree had been issued that designated a specific day on which all Jews living in the Persian Empire were to be killed. This evil scheme was the work of a man named ____, who was the prime minister. (Esther 3:13-15; 4:1, 5)

Who is Haman?


I was so morally corrupt and unscrupulous that my name has become a symbol for shamelessness, immorality, and being an unrestrained woman.

Who is Jezebel?


When Hannah was childless, she turned to God for comfort. Hannah’s husband had two wives. His other wife, Peninnah, had children; however, Hannah remained childless for a long time after her marriage. Peninnah cruelly taunted her, but Hannah prayed to God for comfort before bearing her son Samuel.

What was the name of their husband? 

Who is Elkanah?


Sarah left a comfortable life in the prosperous city of ____ because she had faith in God’s promises to her husband, Abraham.

What is Ur?


What does the account about Miriam (Moses sister) teach us today about Jehovah?

Miriam’s story reveals that God pays attention to what his worshippers say to or about one another. We also learn that to please God, we must avoid undue pride and jealousy—traits that may cause us to smear the good reputation of others.


I was the first woman prophetess mentioned in the bible. I too had to be quarantined for 7 days as a form of punishment after getting leprosy from Jehovah.

Who was this woman? 

Who is Miriam?


The prophetess Deborah courageously supported God’s worshippers. At his direction, she summoned Barak to lead an Israelite army against their Canaanite oppressors. (Judges 4:6, 7).

prophecy spoken by Deborah: “It will be into the hand of a woman that Jehovah will give Sisera.” (Judges 4:9) For her role, ____ was praised as the “most blessed of women.”—Judges 5:24.

Fearless woman: acted decisively when Sisera, the chief of the Canaanite army, showed up in her camp. Sisera had lost his battle against Israel and was now looking for refuge and shelter. This woman invited him into her tent to hide and rest. While he was sleeping, she executed him by hammering a large nail through his temple.—Judges 4:17-21. 


Who is Jael?


Hello, my name is Zipporah; you might not know me. The bible barely mentions directly compared to my husband. I met my husband at a well in Midian while with my sisters. We eventually had two sons Gershom and Eliezar. 

Who is my husband?

Who is Moses?


In the account of Ruth, Naomi left Israel due to a harsh famine. Which pagan land or region did Naomi travel to that ultimately led her to forging a bond with Ruth? 

What is Moab?


Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. (Genesis 29:30) As a result, Leah jealously competed with her sister for Jacob’s affections. What does this teach us about the family arrangement that Jehovah put in place?

The account of her life realistically portrays the failings of polygamy, an arrangement that God tolerated for a time. His approved standard of marriage is for a husband or wife to have just one spouse.—Matthew 19:4-6


In the account of Ruth... Naomi, along with her husband and their two sons, had gone to Moab to escape a famine in Israel. The sons eventually married Moabite women—Ruth and ____. In time, though, Naomi’s husband and two sons died, leaving three widows. What was the name of the 3rd widow?

Who is Orpah?