Neoliberal Feminism
France's "laïcité"

Hijab bans are pro-feminist

Why or why not?


The Iranian environmental crisis is unrelated to the Islamic regime's regulations on hijab and women's freedom of movement.

Explain why, using clear examples from "The Anthem of the Uprising"


"Sexual apartheid" and "racial apartheid" can be understood separately.

How do the readings encourage us to think about interrelated apartheid(s)?


The medium of the revolution is insignificant

Why is art the best possible medium to communicate a collective desire for liberation?


The separation of church and state requires a ban on religious symbols

Why is this NOT the case?


The Women, Life, Freedom movement is a distinctly feminist initiative.

What does it mean for Women, Life, Freedom to be “the first feminist revolution in history supported by men” (p.15)


A return to pre-colonial or pre-Islamic regime ceremonies is a source of power.

What other examples of decolonial power can you develop based on the readings?


An intersectional lens can be used to analyze Iran's "morality police," France's hijab regulations in women's sports and Quebec's Bill 21.

What intersections can we identify across all three current events?


Poetry is an important tool for Iran's Women, Life, Freedom revolution.

How is poetry characterized as a tool of resistance and liberation?


Social perceptions shape the law and the law shapes social perception.

How does the law shape social perceptions of the hijab and vice versa?


Someone who wears the hijab cannot engage with Women, Life, Freedom.

How do the readings encourage us to challenge this?


Capital L-AW is the best approach to building strength for decolonial strategies.

If not, how do we move beyond Eurocentric law?


Oligarchies (economic power in the hands of a select few powerrful men in this case) affect women and children first.

Why is this the case? Try to use evidence from the readings.


The Iranian ban on music is insignificant compared to other restrictions on women, i.e. morality police, limitations from the public sphere, etc.

How does a ban on music in Iran coincide with hijab regulations?


Competitive sports restrictions affects everyone equally under "laïcité" law

How is Women’s Competitive Sport in Iran related to Women’s Competitive Sport in France, specifically regarding the regulation of the hijab?