The "Modern Woman"
The 1920s
The 1930s
Women during WWII
The 1950s and 60s

This organization formed by Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the leading group advocating for women's suffrage.

What was NAWSA, or the National American Women's Suffrage Association.


The 19th Amendment granted this to women on the 26th of August, 1920.

What is Suffrage, or the right to vote


This woman became a trailblazer for American women.  Since her husband was disabled, she had to act as his eyes and ears while he stayed in Washington.  Because of this she spoke out for the poor and for people of color.

Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?


This fictional character was created for a poster designed to encourage women to work in war defense industries.

Who was "Rosie the Riveter?"


This organization was formed in 1966, and still works today to assist women with political, economic, and health care issues.

What is the NOW, or National Organization for Women?

This cataclysmic event was the first to see American women work in what were considered to be masculine jobs.

What was World War I, The World War, or The Great War?


These women of the 1920s would be seen going out at night, with shorter skirts, and bobbed hair.

Who were the Flappers?


The Great Depression made this the backbone of American society again.

What is home and the family?


Executive order 9066 put this group that included artist Mine Kubo into relocation camps during WWII.

Who were Japanese Americans?


This beauty pageant was protested both inside and outside in 1968 because it was believed that it objectified women.

What was the Miss America pageant?


This organization formed by Alice Paul demanded a constitutional amendment for women's suffrage, and believed in following more radical methods of bring attention to their cause.

What was the NWP, or National Women's Party



This major movement of African American music, art and literature flourished throughout American cities in the 1920s.

What was the Harlem Renaissance?


This woman, a crusader for the rights of working women in New York City, became the first female Presidential Cabinet member, the Secretary of Labor.

Who was Frances Perkins?


Working during the was Patriotic, but when the war was over, women across the country were expected to do this once the boys came home.

What was go back home, get married, and or start a family?


This book written in 1963 by Betty Friedan, jump started the Women's Liberation movement.

What is The Feminine Mystique?



This mid-southern state was the last chance for women wanting the right to vote.  Luckily, it's state representative Harry Burn, listened to his mother.

Dolly is also from here.

What is Tennessee?


This movement of millions of African Americans from the rural south to northern cities from 1915-1970 is usually known as this.

What is the Great Migration?

Secretarial or clerical jobs returned to United States with the New Deal.  These jobs were known as these or feminine jobs or this.

What were "pink collar" jobs?


Executive order 8802, signed by President Roosevelt, made it illegal to deny these women jobs in defense plants.

Who were African American Women?


This pageant was created in 1968 to protest Miss America only permitting white women to compete.

What was the Miss Black America Pageant?


This fictional woman drawn by Charles Dana Gibson, was the vision of the Modern Woman from 1900-1917.

What is the "Gibson Girl?"


Respectable middle class women began wearing/using these in the twenties.  It was no longer just for "gasp" actresses or "ladies of the evening."

What is makeup or cosmetics?


These women worked to together and shared ideas on how to stretch a weekly/monthly budget, how to make clothes, and how to make inexpensive meals.

Who were American Housewives?



Name two of the 5 female branches of the military during WWII. (the names during WWII)

What were:

WAACS, WAVES, SPARS, WASPS, and Women Marines.



This invention led to women being able to go to college, extend their education to post graduate degrees, and begin their careers before thinking about marriage.

What is the Birth Control Pill?