Under Armour
Body Break
Playing Safe
Teamwork makes the Dream Work

"PPE" is an acronym for this.

What is Personal Protective Equipment?


A safety exercise to practice evacuating a building in the event of an emergency.

What is a fire drill?


When lifting, lift with your legs instead of your this.

What is back?


Under health and safety laws, workers have these 3 rights.

What is the right to know, the right to refuse, and the right to participate?


A group of people that work together to accomplish a common goal.

What is a team?


Four pieces of PPE that are always required on an industrial job site.

What are safety glasses, hearing protection, hard hat, and safety shoes?


The meeting points to gather in case of an emergency, such as a fire, in a workplace.

What is muster point?


If you need to climb, use a step stool, ladder, or other equipment designed for that purpose. Never climb using a blank or blank.

What is chair or furniture?


This is an example of a type of workplace hazard.

Chemical, ergonomic, health, physical, psychosocial, safety and workplace (all acceptable answers).


This allows team members to express their ideas, ask questions, and contribute in an open, honest, and non-threatening way.

What is communication?


This type of PPE can be made of materials like cotton, nitrile, latex or vinyl.

What are safety gloves?


When using a fire extinguisher, the PASS acronym stands for this (hint: 4 words).

What is Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep?


Upper extremities like hands, wrists, and arms are commonly affected by this type of injury, an example of which is carpal tunnel syndrome.

What is repetitive motion or repetitive strain?


This document provides information on hazardous chemicals and is required for all chemicals used on site.

What is a safety data sheet (SDS)?


This is one of the skills that makes you a great communicator.

What is active listening?


Proper footwear eliminates the risk of this, this, and this (3 words).

What are slips, trips and falls.


When you notice this, you should report it to your supervisor or manager right away, even if you're not sure.

What is a workplace hazard, unsafe condition, etc. 

Tip: in case of a fire, pull the fire alarm!


The science of arranging products, systems and environments to fit the needs and capabilities of the people who use them.

What is ergonomics?


The best way to control a potential hazard.

What is eliminate it?


This is a program that allows students and younger workers to learn a skilled trade.

What is co-op or apprenticeship?


Noise over 85 decibels means a worker needs to wear this, in that working area.

What is hearing protection?


These devices are found in workplaces and many public spaces to assist someone experiencing a cardiopulminary episode.

What is an AED or automated external defibrillator?


You should sit at least 20-26 inches away while using this device.

What is a computer screen or monitor?


The people responsible for safety on the job.

Who is everyone?


A mindset to act a certain way in situations - the more positive, the better!

What is attitude?