
What famous actress has starred as Samantha Baker in " Sixteen Candles, Claire Standish in " The Breakfast Club " and Andie Walsh in " Pretty in Pink " ?

Who is Molly Ringwald?


Who plays Cher in the movie " Clueless " ?

A.) Reese Witherspoon  B.) Alicia Silverstone  

C.) Amanda Seyfried  D.) Blake Lively

Who is Alicia Silverstone?


Who plays the role of Ellen Ripley in the 1979 film " Alien " ?

Who is Sigourney Weaver?


Who portrays the role of " Selena " in the 1997 film based upon her start in fame and how she grew along the way.

Who is Jennifer Lopez?


What year did the ICONIC film " Breakfast at Tiffany's " get released in?

A.) 1954  B.) 1961  C.) 1973  D.)  1981

What is the year 1961?


As stated in the movie " Mean Girls "...

" On Wednesdays we wear _____ "

A.) Vests  B.) Jeans  C.) Pink  D.) Sweatpants

What is the color Pink?


In the film " The Black Swan " starring Natalie Portman, what kind of a dancer was she?

A.) Ballroom  B.) Ballerina  C.) Contemporary  D.) Tap Dancer

What is a Ballerina?


Selma Hayek played the role of this famous Mexican painter who was known for her self-portraits in the 2002 film " ___ ".

What is " Frida " ?


What famous actress is known for her role playing alongside Tom Hanks in " Sleepless in Seattle " as well as " You've Got Mail " ?

A.)  Meg Ryan  B.)  Julia Roberts  C.)  Molly Ringwald  D.)  Cameron Diaz

Who is Meg Ryan?


What school did Elle Woods in the movie " Legally Blonde " get in to so she could become Mrs. Warner Huntington III?

A.) Princeton  B.) Yale  C.) Harvard  D.) Columbia

What is Harvard?


Who plays the role of Clarice Starling in the 1991 film " The Silence of the Lambs " ?

A.) Meg Ryan  B.) Helen Hunt  C.) Jodie Foster

Who is Jodie Foster?


What year was " A League of their Own " released in?

A.) 1984  B.) 2001  C.) 1992  D.) 1998

What is the year 1992?


In the movie " Grease ", where did Sandy move from after summer vacation?

A.) South Africa  B.) Australia  C.) Poland  D.) United Kingdom

What is Australia?


What did Jessica Spencer in the 2002 movie " The Hot Chick " drop at the gas station that caused her to be trapped in Clive's ( Rob Schneider ) body?

A.) Earring  B.) Ring  C.) Necklace  D.) Bracelet

What is an earring?


In the film " The Exorcist ", what did Regan throw up?

A.) Pea Soup  B.) Broccoli/Cheddar Soup  C.) Spinach Soup  D.) Rice & Pea Soup

What is Pea Soup?


" Respect " is a film released in 2021 that follows who's career?

Who is Aretha Franklin?


What was Juliet dressed up as at the Capulet costume party in the 1996 film " Romeo + Juliet " starring Leonardo DiCaprio?

A.) Fairy  B.) Queen  C.) Angel  D.) Goddess

What is an Angel?


Who plays Andy's boss in the movie " The Devil Wears Prada " ?

A.) Meryl Streep  B.) Nicole Kidman  C.) Kathy Bates  D.) Cate Blanchett

Who is Meryl Streep?


What was poured on Carrie White's prom dress in the 1976 film " Carrie " ?

A.) Cow's Blood  B.) Red Paint  C.) Human Blood  

D.) Pig's Blood

What is Pig's Blood?


Kathryn Bigelow became the first woman to win the Best Director Oscar when she won for this Iraq War Drama.

A.) The Hurt Locker  B.) American Sniper  C.) 1917  D.) Fury 

What is The Hurt Locker?