According to week 7 handout, "
What is ___?
How many studios do we have?
What is four?
What are the three forms of contact that can be used to find a shift cover?
What is discord, email, and phone list?
These are only allowed to be played when
scheduled and are not allowed to be cut. They also may not be played as requests.
What is Currents?
Who long does a mentorship last?
What is between 3 to 5 weeks?
According to week 6 handout, "
What is ____?
What is the request line phone number?
What is 630-637-8989?
Who do we call when there is equipment failure and what is their name?
What is Public Media Engineering (PME)?
What time does Vintage play?
What percent of our grade does the midterm and final account for?
According to week 5 handout, "Utilizing the Magnetic Tease", what three things do radio shows need to be to avoid sounding like clickbait?
What is Honest, Authentic, and Trustworthy?
What are the purpose of speciality shows?
To highlight music and topics we otherwise wouldn't play or cover.
Other than PME, who can you contact if there is an issue with equipment?
How many songs cuts can be made within a given hour, and what are they to be used for?
What is six song cuts for listener requests or re-scheduling purposes?
WONC has been on air since when?
What is 1968?
According to the week 4 handout, "Humanizing Radio", how can radio stations humanize their brand to increase listener involvement and loyalty?
What is having radio personalities 24/7, Host & Listener stories, championship, and connection to the community?
What is the WONC legal ID and when does it play?
What is WONC Naperville, Chicago at the top of every hour?
A loss of how many points in one semester results in a suspension?
30 points
Name 4 of our Vintage Artists and what days they play?
What is Monday- The Doors, Tuesday- The Rolling Stones, Wednesday- Jimi Hendrix, Thursday- The Beatles, Friday- Led Zeppelin, Saturday- The Who, Sunday- Mystery 4x4?
What must all staffers who want to do play-by-play
or color commentary for games also do?
What is board op for games?
According to week 2 handout, "3 Goofs in On-Air Conversations", why should you establish mic order in a multi-host radio show?
What is to avoid talk-over and interruptions?
How many departments do we have and what are they?
What is seven? (Public Affairs, Sports, Music, Production, Marketing, News, Campus Involvement)
What is severe weather, the death of an important local, state, or national political leader, natural disasters, outbreaks of violence, or major US conflict with other countries?
Our music library consists of 9 categories. Name 5 and the letter that is associated with the category?
What is A- 2000s, B- 2010s, C- Currents, D- 90s, E- 1975 to 1989, G- 1964 to 1974, H- Vintage Rock, K- 2020s, R- Request only?
What is _____ ?