the part of the body that includes the eyes, nose and mouth
What was August born with?
scars on his face
When was August's birthday?
October 10th
What did August dress up as for Halloween?
bleeding scream
What does the word "worried" mean?
scared of afraid
Who is Mr. Tushman?
The principal of Beecher Prep Academy
Who sat next to August at lunch?
Who was August's teacher before 5th grade?
his mother
What does the word "different" mean?
not the same
What did August do when he found out what his principal's name was?
Who is August's English teacher?
Mr. Browne
What did August wear before starting Beecher Prep Academy ?
space helmet
to look at someone for a long time
What made August excited about starting 5th grade?
new friends
the school building - science lab, classroom, performance center
Who was bullying August?
Julian, Jack and some of the other students.
Who is the author of Wonder?
R.J Palacio
What does the word "ordinary" mean?
plain or like everyone else
Why is August like every other kid?
August likes:xbox, ice cream, riding his bike
What did August pretend to have on Halloween?
a stomachache
What is the name of August's new school?
Beecher Prep Academy