How did Justin feel when he met August?
When does Justin get his tics?
When he is nervous/stressed
Who got the lead girl and boy role in the play?
Justin and Miranda
The Universe was not nice to who?
August Pullman
"Heard through the grapevine"
Why doesn't the author write Justin's part with any capital letters?
The autor wants to make people feel Justin has a different accent or he sticks out among the other characters.
How did August's family get Daisy?
From a homeless man for $20
According to Via, what kind of animal is good luck?
A ladybug
How does Via feel about herself at the end of the Justin Part?
She thinks she is an awful person.
"like one of those Little Rascal kids"
What did Via give Justin for Valentine's Day?
A bag made out of old floppy disks
What is the name of the play?
Our Town
What kind of dad is Justin going to be?
What is overprotective and caring
What surprised Justin about Miranda?
That she had a picture of August in her wallet and she used to be friends with Via.
"laughs dying on their lips"
What does Via want to be when she grows up?
A geneticist- to find cures for people like her brother
What food does August eat messy/weird at the restaurant?
Tortilla chips?
Why does Via start crying?
She hasn't told her parents about the play because she knows they will bring August and she is embarrassed by him.
What was Olivia's great idea to help with Justin's lines?
To have him play his fiddle to buy him some time to think of the next line.
"out of the blue"
How long have Justin and Via been dating at the end of the Justin part?
4 months?
How are Justin and Via's parents different?
Via's parents give lots of attention to their kids, laugh lots, care, and say "I love you." Justin's are divorced, don't talk to him much, and are underprotective.
How were the boys bullying Jack in the Justin part?
By making throw-up noises at him and laughing as he came out of the store.
How does Justin handle the mean boys?
He acts like a tough guy and tells them not to mess with Jack or they will be sorry (taps his fiddle case- AKA machine gun).
"the universe was not kind to August Pullman"