What did Augie wear on his head when he was little?
Auggie wears an astronaut helmet.
What happens between Via, Ella, and Miranda?
They drifted apart. Ella and Miranda became friends with the popular group of kids. Via became friends with a more diverse group of kids.
What is "the Plague"?
It is a "game" the students started where if someone accidentally touches August, they have to wash their hands or use sanitizer within 30 seconds.
What did Jack do when Julian insulted August?
Punched him and knocked out a baby tooth.
What grade is August in?
He is in 5th grade.
How do Auggie's classmates react to him on the first day?
Auggie's classmates reacted scared and they were staring at him on the first day of school.
What does Via mean when she says that August is the Sun?
Via says that August is the Sun and her and Mom and Dad are the planets orbiting around the sun. Everything revolves around August.
What did Summer whisper in Jack's ear when Jack asked her why August was mad?
She whispered, "Bleeding Scream".
What happened when Jack went back to school after winter break?
Nobody wanted to talk to Jack and they were ignoring him.
Who gives August the tour of the school?
Jack, Charlotte, and Julian give August a tour of he school.
Why does Auggie call home sick on Halloween?
He was upset that he heard Jack and Julian saying that they would "kill themselves" if they looked like August.
Does Via want children? Why or why not?
No, she does not want children. Via is afraid she'll pass on Auggie's defective gene to her children. She has a one-in-two chance of doing so.
What did August and Summer dress up as for the Egyptian museum?
They dressed up as mummies.
What things does Jack like about August? Name at least two things.
1. He is funny.
2. He is cool.
3. He is smart.
4. He is fun to hang out with.
5.He is a good friend.
Why did Jack change his mind about meeting August and giving him a tour of the school?
Jack felt bad that even his brother Jaime, "who was a pretty decent kid" was mean to August.
Why does August cut off his braid?
Julian made fun of the braid.
Why did Mom allow Via to stay home from school on Halloween?
Via's grandmother died a few years ago close to Halloween and Via was very close to her.
What did Auggie tell Summer that she didn't have to do during lunch?
Empathy, friendship, and loyalty.
Who photoshopped August out of the class picture?
Julian's mom photoshopped him out of the picture.
What did August's mom notice about him when she saw him for the first time?
She noticed his beautiful eyes.
Why does Via’s dad say to convince her mom that she can take the subway home alone?
She is reading War and Peace.
What is the name of the condition August has that causes him to look the way he does?
Auggie has Mandibulofacial Dysostosis, which is Treacher Collins Syndrome.
What four rumors was Julian spreading about Jack and August?
1. Jack has emotional problems.
2. Jack would have gotten expelled if his parents beg the principal not to.
3. Auggie has special needs.
4. August is bringing Jack down.
What is an expert in genetics called?