Grammar and Writing
Reading 2
Grammar and Writing 2

Fill in the blanks using the correct word.

celebrate      tradition          spread       hummed     pushed

He just __________________________ along because he didn’t know the song well.



A rabbit scrambled down the sidewalk past a robin. Spring had begun.

Our shed is our storeroom. We had not opened it all winter. Now we had to clean it.

“Look at this blanket,” Grandma remarked. “It’s full of holes!” She threw it out.

I found old toys to take to the thrift store. After we finished scrubbing, we checked that chore off our list.

One day, Mother heard that kites were on sale. We got some splendid ones. The next day we went to Kite Day at the park. The wind slowly picked up our kites. My kite started bouncing.

What is true from the story?

ⓐ The family cleaned the storeroom in winter.

ⓑ The family went to a park to fly kites.

ⓒ There was no wind on Kite Day.

ⓓ The kites went missing.  

ⓑ The family went to a park to fly kites.


Which word is a superlative?

ⓐ more                                           ⓑ colder

ⓒ most difficult                     ⓓ smarter

ⓒ most difficult


We planted a garden in the backyard before a big rain. We put in rows of beans and corn. In the front lawn, we planted flowers. Soon they started to sprout.

“Please water the plants,” Mother said. I sprinkled water on the plants and my feet!

On May 1, it was May Day. May Day is about the coming of spring. We stuffed baskets with gifts and gave them to our friends. The best part was dancing around the maypole.

The family planted a garden ______________________.

ⓐ before they had a heavy rain

ⓑ after it rained a lot

ⓒ at the end of spring

ⓓ after May Day

ⓐ before they had a heavy rain


I    /    me    /   mine

John asked ______________________ about the soccer match.



Fill in the blanks using the correct word.

celebrate      tradition          spread       hummed     pushed

It is a _______________________ for Americans to eat turkey on Thanksgiving.



A rabbit scrambled down the sidewalk past a robin. Spring had begun.

Our shed is our storeroom. We had not opened it all winter. Now we had to clean it.

“Look at this blanket,” Grandma remarked. “It’s full of holes!” She threw it out.

I found old toys to take to the thrift store. After we finished scrubbing, we checked that chore off our list.

One day, Mother heard that kites were on sale. We got some splendid ones. The next day we went to Kite Day at the park. The wind slowly picked up our kites. My kite started bouncing.

The family got ___________________.

ⓐ kites                                    ⓑ a blanket

ⓒ a balloon                            ⓓ a box

ⓐ kites


Which sentence is correct?

ⓐ  This is the goodest picture I have seen.

ⓑ  Who’s got the worst score in our class?

ⓒ  Tim planted the more flowers of all.

ⓓ Lisa saved the less money of all my friends.

ⓑ  Who’s got the worst score in our class?


We planted a garden in the backyard before a big rain. We put in rows of beans and corn. In the front lawn, we planted flowers. Soon they started to sprout.

“Please water the plants,” Mother said. I sprinkled water on the plants and my feet!

On May 1, it was May Day. May Day is about the coming of spring. We stuffed baskets with gifts and gave them to our friends. The best part was dancing around the maypole.

The family did NOT plant ___________________ in the backyard.

ⓐ beans                                 ⓑ corn

ⓒ flowers                               ⓓ tomatoes

 ⓓ tomatoes


Unscramble the sentence.

every summer  /  .  /  with my family  /  going camping  / I like

I like going camping with my family every summer.


Fill in the blanks using the correct word.

celebrate      tradition          spread       hummed     pushed

Koreans ________________________ Chuseok.



A rabbit scrambled down the sidewalk past a robin. Spring had begun.

Our shed is our storeroom. We had not opened it all winter. Now we had to clean it.

“Look at this blanket,” Grandma remarked. “It’s full of holes!” She threw it out.

I found old toys to take to the thrift store. After we finished scrubbing, we checked that chore off our list.

One day, Mother heard that kites were on sale. We got some splendid ones. The next day we went to Kite Day at the park. The wind slowly picked up our kites. My kite started bouncing.

The old toys were _______________________.

ⓐ thrown away                       ⓑ sold

ⓒ scrubbed                             ⓓ taken to the thrift store

ⓓ taken to the thrift store


Which sentence is correct?

ⓐ  My brother and me did not speak to each other.

ⓑ  Father took I to the museum yesterday.

ⓒ  Andy wanted to go with I to the park.

ⓓ Mom wants to talk to me.

ⓓ Mom wants to talk to me.


We planted a garden in the backyard before a big rain. We put in rows of beans and corn. In the front lawn, we planted flowers. Soon they started to sprout.

“Please water the plants,” Mother said. I sprinkled water on the plants and my feet!

On May 1, it was May Day. May Day is about the coming of spring. We stuffed baskets with gifts and gave them to our friends. The best part was dancing around the maypole.

______________________ watered the garden.

ⓐ The writer                            ⓑ Sister

ⓒ Grandma                           ⓓ Mother

ⓐ The writer


I    /    me    /   mine

No words of ______________________ could make her happy.



Fill in the blanks using the correct word.

celebrate      tradition          spread       hummed     pushed

Erica ________________________ me on the swing during recess.



A rabbit scrambled down the sidewalk past a robin. Spring had begun.

Our shed is our storeroom. We had not opened it all winter. Now we had to clean it.

“Look at this blanket,” Grandma remarked. “It’s full of holes!” She threw it out.

I found old toys to take to the thrift store. After we finished scrubbing, we checked that chore off our list.

One day, Mother heard that kites were on sale. We got some splendid ones. The next day we went to Kite Day at the park. The wind slowly picked up our kites. My kite started bouncing.

Grandma threw out the blanket because _____________________.

ⓐ it was dirty                              ⓑ she didn’t like it

ⓒ she bought a new one     ⓓ it had many holes

ⓓ it had many holes


Which sentence is correct?

ⓐ Grandma sent a letter to me.

ⓑ The teacher told I to buy a new computer.

ⓒ Amy and me loved to join the club.

ⓓ When me woke up, there was nobody at home.

ⓐ Grandma sent a letter to me.


We planted a garden in the backyard before a big rain. We put in rows of beans and corn. In the front lawn, we planted flowers. Soon they started to sprout.

“Please water the plants,” Mother said. I sprinkled water on the plants and my feet!

On May 1, it was May Day. May Day is about the coming of spring. We stuffed baskets with gifts and gave them to our friends. The best part was dancing around the maypole.

What is NOT true about May Day?

ⓐ It is the first day of May.

ⓑ It celebrates the coming of spring.

ⓒ The children give presents to their parents.

ⓓ People dance around the maypole.

ⓒ The children give presents to their parents.


Unscramble the sentence.

?  /  What’s  /  family tradition  /  favorite  /  your

What's your favorite family tradition?


Fill in the blanks using the correct word.

celebrate      tradition          spread       hummed     pushed

Dad ________________________ out a blanket for us to sit down.



A rabbit scrambled down the sidewalk past a robin. Spring had begun.

Our shed is our storeroom. We had not opened it all winter. Now we had to clean it.

“Look at this blanket,” Grandma remarked. “It’s full of holes!” She threw it out.

I found old toys to take to the thrift store. After we finished scrubbing, we checked that chore off our list.

One day, Mother heard that kites were on sale. We got some splendid ones. The next day we went to Kite Day at the park. The wind slowly picked up our kites. My kite started bouncing.

The writer’s family stores things in the ____________________.

ⓐ thrift store                                   ⓑ shed

ⓒ bedroom                             ⓓ kitchen

ⓑ shed


Which sentence is correct?

ⓐ Who is the funnyest teacher in your school?

ⓑ Math is the most interesting subject to me.

ⓒ The black cat is the faster of all.

ⓓ It was the difficultest part of the test.

ⓑ Math is the most interesting subject to me.


We planted a garden in the backyard before a big rain. We put in rows of beans and corn. In the front lawn, we planted flowers. Soon they started to sprout.

“Please water the plants,” Mother said. I sprinkled water on the plants and my feet!

On May 1, it was May Day. May Day is about the coming of spring. We stuffed baskets with gifts and gave them to our friends. The best part was dancing around the maypole.

What did the writer like most about May Day?

ⓐ planting flowers

ⓑ stuffing baskets with gifts

ⓒ giving gifts to friends

ⓓdancing around the maypole

ⓓdancing around the maypole


I    /    me    /   mine

When ____________________ eat a lot, I get a stomachache.