Text Feature Skills
Vocabulary Skills
Reading Comprehension kills
Writing Skills
Genre Skills

Which text feature is this?

It's a map


What is the simile in this sentence, and what does it mean?

He was as tiny as an ant.

As tiny as an ant.

It means that he was very small.


Compare (how are they the same) and contrast (how are they different) a tiny puppy and a big wolf?

Compare: They are both dogs. They both have the same body parts. They both like to chase things.

Contrast: They have a different size. Wolves do not live with people. Puppies can be played with, but wolves must be left alone.


Is the first sentence in a paragraph the topic sentence or the conclusion sentence?

topic sentence


Is expository text fiction (fake) or nonfiction (real)?

Expository text is nonfiction.


What is the difference between these pictures?

The first one is a photograph and the other two are illustrations.


Find the compound word in this sentence:

I use my toothbrush every night before I go to bed.



An example of cause an effect is this:

Cause: I spilled my glass of milk.

Effect: So, I had to clean it up.

Give an example of another cause and effect.

The teacher will decide if it is correct.


Why is it so important to use good details in a paragraph?

If you don't use good details, the meaning in your paragraph will not be clear.


What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?

Fiction is fake and nonfiction is real.


What is the purpose of this diagram?

It tells us the different parts of this flower.


Create a simile to describe this sentence:

The box was very heavy.

The box was as heavy as a cow.


What am I doing with this Venn diagram?     


I am comparing and contrasting.


Why do we need a conclusion sentence?

A conclusion sentence reminds the reader of what was said in the paragraph. It retells the main idea.


Why do poets write poetry? What is the purpose of poetry?

The purpose of poetry is to describe feelings.


How does this sidebar help you to understand the story?

It gives you a warning of signs to look for if you think a polar bear might be close by. It gives more detail about the text.


What is the root word in this word?




What is the theme of this poem?

He really loves pizza.


What is an example of a sequence word, and why do we use them in our paragraphs?

A sequence word tells the time order of a paragraph. They are important to make the paragraph clear. A few examples are "next, then, or later."


What is realistic fiction?

Realistic fiction is a story that is made up, but it could really happen.


A bar, or a chart, gives lots of information in a very small space. What information do we learn from this chart?

It tells us that grapes were the least popular fruit and blueberries were the most popular fruit from among the 145 who participated in the survey.


Use sentence clues (context clues) to help you figure out what the word in bold means.

The eye-catching young man proudly walked into the room. His ocean blue eyes, shiny black hair, and strong arms made my heart beat faster.

It means handsome, good looking.


What is the theme of this poem?

Steve has a superpower. His superpower is that he is so stinky!


Describe for me at least four elements of an excellent paragraph.

Topic sentence, three detail sentences, conclusion sentence, sequence words, indentation, good grammar, colorful word choice...etc.


What is a folktale? Describe at least two elements of a folktale.

It is fiction. It usually has animals that make up the characters. There is a lesson or a message at the end.